Monday, 8 Jul 2024

More than 100 questionnaires sent out by police over Downing Street parties

Police say they are now interviewing witnesses as part of the investigation into alleged lockdown busting parties at Downing Street.

More than 100 questionnaires have been sent out by officers, including one to the Prime Minister.

It is unclear if Boris Johnson will himself be interviewed but a No 10 source said on Monday evening that the PM has not been interviewed yet.

In a statement released on Monday afternoon, the Metropolitan Police explained: ‘In addition to the detailed review of all available material, including returned questionnaires, detectives from the Operation Hillman investigation team have started interviewing key witnesses.’

The force continued: ‘As yet, we have not made any referrals to the ACRO Criminal Records Office for the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices.

‘However, every questionnaire response is being assessed alongside all available evidence, and should this reach the evidential threshold, then referrals will be made.’

Police say the initial responses to questionnaires led them to issue more, with recipients given seven days to respond and explain any involvement.

‘As the investigation continues, we may need to contact more people as further information comes to light’, the force added.

The police claimed on Monday that they are ‘progressing the investigation as quickly as possible’.

It comes after a huge furore around media reports of gatherings in Number 10, with public anger threatening to end Mr Johnson’s premiership amid widespread calls for him to resign.

At least 15 parties were alleged to have taken place, some involving the Prime Minister, whose public response to the revelations evolved significantly as more information emerged.

But the conduct of the Met also provoked huge criticism, with the force repeatedly declining to investigate the alleged breaches – only to announce it would do so after all, just as an investigation by the civil servant Sue Gray was set to be published.

The rolling crisis led a number of Conservative MPs to submit letters of no confidence in the PM – but many had decided to reserve judgement until the Gray report, and then the outcome of the police investigation.

The prospect of a vote in the PM’s leadership appears to have diminished amid the Ukraine crisis, but if Mr Johnson is found to have breached his own rules then major questions about his future will be asked.

The Met is investigating 12 events, including as many as six which Prime Minister Boris Johnson is reported to have attended.

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