Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Moment Prince Charles cracks joke to world leaders’ delight – but the Queen is NOT amused

The likes of Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau cracked a smile at the heir to the throne as he chuckled away. The sweet royal moment came before commemorations for D-Day at Portsmouth today. While Charles appeared delighted at his joke the Queen looked at him expressionless.

Luxembourg’s Xavier Bettel, Belgium’s leader Charles Michel and Norway’s prime minister Erna Solberg also appeared amused.

Charles, meanwhile, was dressed in his numerous medals for the ceremony in the south of England today.

The Prince of Wales served as a general in the British Army, as well as an admiral in the Navy and an air chief marshal in the RAF.

The royals were ending a successful royal visit, entertaining Donald Trump since Monday.

It included Charles grilling Donald Trump on climate change.

President Trump, talking to Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain today said: “What he really wants and what he feels strongly about is the future.

“He wants the best climate for the future. He wants a good climate and not a disaster.”

And today Charles and President Trump spoke to veterans.

In a comedy moment, one war hero speaking to the President pointed to the First Lady and said “if only I was 20 years younger”.

Mr Trump took the comment in good humour telling Thomas Cuthbert, 93: “You can handle it no question.”

Mr Cuthbert said afterwards it was a pleasure to meet the President.

He said: “He surprise me, when you see someone on the TV but he seemed different, he seemed one of the boys.

“His wife was very pleasant too.”

In an emotional speech by the Queen she hailed the resilience of the “wartime generation”.

She said: “The wartime generation – my generation – is resilient, and I am delighted to be with you in Portsmouth today.

“Seventy-five years ago, hundreds of thousands of young soldiers, sailors and airmen left these shores in the cause of freedom.

“In a broadcast to the nation at that time, my father, King George VI, said: ‘… what is demanded from us all is something more than courage and endurance; we need a revival of spirit, a new unconquerable resolve …’:

“That is exactly what those brave men brought to the battle, as the fate of the world depended on their success.

“Many of them would never return and the heroism, courage and sacrifice of those who lost their lives will never be forgotten.

“It is with humility and pleasure, on behalf of the entire country – indeed the whole free world – that I say to you all, thank you.”

Mr Macron then stood up and said, before reading out a letter from a yuoung resistance fighter: “First, let me thank you on behalf of my nation.”

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