Saturday, 29 Jun 2024

‘Miserable’ Corbyn and ‘Scrooge’ Hammond have Commons in stitches after brutal takedown

A miserable-looking Jeremy Corbyn was labelled “wounded and regretful” as he observed MP Tracey Crouch deliver her response to the Queen’s Speech. Using the seasonal Dickensian tale A Christmas Carol as inspiration, Ms Crouch compared the leader of the Labour Party to the sad ghost of “Old Marley”. Addressing Mr Corbyn in the Commons, the Tory MP said: “Today is the anniversary of A Christmas Carol being published in 1843.

“Charles Dickens was a son of Chatham and so this old-has-been clearly makes me feel like the ghost of Christmas past.

“Now Scrooge would have been brilliantly played by the former Chancellor Philip Hammond who was sadly stopped from the part to the last Speaker of the House who had been in the role for many a bleak year.

“Old Marley sits on the frontbench opposite wounded and regretful and that’s just about Arsenal’s latest performance.”

An MP then called out: “Smile Jeremy, it won’t kill you!”

Ms Crouch continued: “But who Mr Speaker, who is our tiny Tim? So valiant and small the object of pity.

“It could be none other than the Rt Hon member for Westmorland and Lonsdale who we welcome back to the house and wonder if he will have another go at his party’s leadership.”

Former Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron has been serving as MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale since 2005.

Ms Crouch’s address in the Commons was part of the Government’s official response to the Queen’s Speech, the so-called loyal address, Her Majesty delivered on Thursday morning.

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