Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Meghan Markle’s ‘ploy to frustrate’ rival senior royal over Instagram post exposed

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A row emerged after a “frustrated” Prince Charles launched his ‘Sustainable Markets Initiative’ – a scheme to tackle climate change – at the exact same time as the Duchess and Duke of Sussex sent an Instagram update about a dog. The incident, which occurred in January 2020, made tensions between the Sussexes and the Royal Family even more difficult as they were then embroiled in their own exit from the Firm. A report from The Sun at the time suggested Prince Charles was “frustrated”, while a source told MailOnline: “The Palace wanted someone from their side involved in the coordination of diaries and press activities last week, but the request was rejected by the Sussexes.

“The couple’s rejection of any simple coordination hasn’t gone down too well with Charles.”

The post in question was released to the Sussex Royal Instagram account, which the couple used to interact with their 11 million followers.

It said: “Earlier this month, The Duchess of Sussex popped in to see the amazing people at Mayhew to hear about the incredible progress made throughout the festive period.

“The Duchess of Sussex, having been a proud patron of Mayhew since January 2019 and long understanding the connection between animal and community welfare, applauds the people at Mayhew for the vital work that they do every day.

“From cats and dogs who have found new homes to animal welfare cases handled in the community, Mayhew believes in the power of togetherness and the special bond between humans and animals.”

Although they are no longer using the account – this due to Buckingham Palace’s refusal to allow them to use the word royal in any of their branding since their move away from the Royal Family – it remains active.

But the fury came as a result of the clash with Charles’ scheme, where details of it were released at the same time online.

Many on social media criticised the timing, with fans of the Royal Family condemning the pair.

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One wrote that they felt the timing mix-up was “deliberate”, while another said: “Meghan’s stunts are getting to be infuriating.”

At the time, Daily Express royal correspondent Richard Palmer also tweeted about the issue on Twitter.

He posted: “Wow, what unfortunate timing that once again, just as a senior member of the Royal Family was heralding an important initiative, the Sussex Royal Instagram account kicked into life with some PR pictures at the very same moment.”

Charles was hosting a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, which was where his project was launched.

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He called for consumers to be told more about product life cycles, supply chains and production methods in a bid to educate the public about where their items come from.

Charles added: “With consumers controlling an estimated 60 percent of global GDP, people around the world have the power to drive the transformation to sustainable markets.

“Yet we cannot expect consumers to make sustainable choices if these choices are not clearly laid before them’.”

Meghan and Harry have now moved to California with their young son Archie, as they bid to lead a “financially independent” life.

However, as a result of their move the couple have lost most of their major titles they inherited from the Royal Family.

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