Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025

Meghan Markle shows ‘signs of anger’ in latest video appearance expert warns

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The Duchess of Sussex displayed subtle signs of anger during her Most Powerful Women Summit interview, body language expert Judi James said. Ms James said: “Meghan splays out on her sofa with her shirt sleeves rolled up to suggest she wants to get down to business and, as she says, be ‘authentic’ here.”

She told The Mirror: “The splaying and pit-baring looks confident and gently powerful, as does the preen gesture with her hair, while the very subtle lower jaw-jut and a few sharp, accelerated blinks hint at some anger, although her tone overall signals bewilderment from a woman who tells us she has not been controversial in what she says in the past.

“Meghan emphasises her emotional side again with the mention of tears and as she looks away dramatically to consider her thoughts as she speaks it is the shaking of her head that suggests a sense of bewilderment or disbelief.”

During the Duchess’ conversation with Ms McGirt, Meghan spoke about how what the statements she makes are sometimes misinterpreted.

She said: “If you look back at anything I’ve said, what ends up being inflammatory it seems is people’s interpretation of it.

“But if you listen to what I actually say it’s not controversial.”

She also asserted bad viewpoints about her are often influenced by “things that just haven’t happened”, as she criticised “clickbait” and “misinformation” and claimed “there are always going to be naysayers”.

The Duchess then stressed the importance of “being authentic” and living with purpose.

She said: “If you look back at anything that I’ve said, it’s really interesting because it often ends up that what seems to end up being inflammatory is people’s interpretation of it.

“But if you listen to what I actually say, it’s not controversial. Actually, some of it is reactive to things that just haven’t happened.

“Which in some ways you have to have a sense of humour, even though there is quite a good deal of gravity and a feel of danger in an interpretation of something that was never there to begin with.

“That again is a byproduct of what is happening right now.

“If you don’t listen to all the noise out there and just focus on living a purpose-driven life and knowing what your own moral compass is…”

Meghan also spoke out about the importance of creating safes spaces online against hate speech.

She added that one of the issues she and Prince Harry had in mind for their charitable organisation, Archewell.

The Duchess added: “Part of our focus with the Archewell Foundation is to just ensure that we are helping foster healthy positive communities—online and off—for our collective wellbeing.

“It really just includes not contributing to or even clicking on misinformation.

“And when you know something is wrong, reporting it, it, talking about it, ensuring that the facts are getting out there.

“I think that is one clear tangible thing that everyone could be doing.”

She concluded the interview by quoting artist Georgia O’Keeffe.

She said: “I used to have a quote up in my room many, many moons ago, and it resonates now maybe more than ever when you see the vitriol and noise that can be out in the world, and it’s by Georgia O’Keeffe.

“I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain, and I am quite free.

“The moment that you are able to be liberated from all these other opinions of what you know to be true, it’s very easy to live with truth and with authenticity, and that’s how I choose to move through the world.”

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