Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Meghan Markle glows as she hugs children on solo engagement in Johannesburg without Archie

Meghan Markle has been spotted picking up a couple of special gifts during the Royal Tour in South Africa. Baby Archie was left in the care of his nanny, as the Duchess of Sussex visited Victoria Yards, a regeneration project home to design studios, art galleries and a popular monthly food market. During her visit in Johannesburg, the Duchess of Sussex was seen purchasing a pair of jeans and was even surprised with a pair of dungarees for her son, Archie Harrison, as she was photographed hugging children. 

Royal Editor of Harper’s Bazaar, Omid Scobie, wrote on Twitter: “During her 2pm visit to Victoria Yards Meghan toured studios and work spaces as well as chatting to artists, musicians and designers about the vibrant creative community there.

“She even picked up a couple of gifts to take home, including a pair of jeans from a local brand.”

Victoria Yards is a regeneration project that offers design studios, art galleries and a popular monthly food market.

Mr Scobie also said Meghan “spent time connecting with the children and founders of the Timbuktu in The Valley development programme”.

The Duchess of Sussex is also believed to have been surprised with a pair of dungarees for her son during her visit.

Posting on Twitter, Tshepo Jeans, wrote: “About four weeks ago I got a call from the British embassy.

“The Duchess of Sussex placed an order for a pair of jeans and today she came to collect them personally.

“Surprised her with a pair of dungarees for Archie and the rest is history.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex posted images of Meghan’s visit in Johannesburg on their shared Instagram account.

Alongside the pictures posted on social media, the account said the Duchess had visited Victoria Yards “which celebrates the power of community, bringing local artisans and ‘makers’ together to rebuild, support and learn from each other on a holistic level”.

The post added: “It was an exceptional afternoon where The Duchess had the chance to connect with the children and founders of the phenomenal programme for kids’ development Timbuktu in The Valley.

“She was also struck by the local denim designer who founded eponymous brand Tshepo who shared this info about the logo for his line: ‘The crown on my jeans represents the three ladies who raised me. Enjoy wearing this crown.’ Such a beautiful and touching sentiment!”

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The post continued: “Artists, artisans, sculptors, metal workers and carpenters are all part of the fabric of Victoria Yards, but it also utilizes the power of The DICE programme which supports several other local organisations in their work with marginalised youth and women.

“These include: 94 Colours (run by The Duchess’ guides for the day, Hector and Sibusiso), CDP (a development programme for young unemployed and marginalised women that provides training to start creative enterprises), Enke (rebuilds the confidence and self-belief of unemployed youth through training and practical experience), 26’10 South (an architecture firm designing a local youth centre) and ReimagiNation (works with local secondary school students to create a social and creative enterprising mindset).”

On Sunday, the Duchess of Sussex also met with female activists and leaders in Cape Town.

It comes as the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, paid tribute and honoured the sacrifice of a soldier who died helping to safeguard endangered wildlife in Malawi.

The Duke of Sussex laid a wreath at a simple memorial to Guardsman Mathew Talbot in Malawi’s Liwonde National Park, where the serviceman was killed after being charged by an elephant while on an anti-poaching patrol with local rangers in May.

Prince Harry’s handwritten message attached to the wreath read: “In grateful memory of Guardsman Talbot who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of his country and conservation. Rest in Peace.”

Posting alongside an image of the Duke laying the wreath on Instagram, the Royal Sussex account read: “Side by side with local park rangers in Liwonde National Park, The Duke of Sussex has laid a wreath at the memorial of Guardsman Matthew Talbot.

“Guardsman Talbot, who was just 22, lost his life earlier this year while on a joint anti-poaching mission with the British Army, the Malawian government and African Parks.”

It added: “Guardsmen Talbot was incredibly proud of his role in countering this threat and had played a huge part in the progress and success so far.

“The Duke laid the wreath on behalf of the Talbot family, and said he was honoured to be able to do so, as he has worked closely with park rangers in these efforts and celebrates each and every one of them as heroes.”

After paying his respects, Prince Harry travelled a short distance to see Gurkha troops taking part in a demonstration of tracking and surveillance skills.

The Duke ended his visit to Malawi by dedicating Liwonde National Park and the adjoining Mangochi Forest to the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy.

In a short speech, he said: “African Parks, Malawi’s rangers and Britain’s military are sharing respective field skills to improve expertise tracking, information analysis, bushcraft and patrol skills.

“This is one of the many examples of how our countries and key stakeholders can work together in partnership with a shared value and purpose. Anyone who puts themselves in harm’s way while serving their country should be hugely appreciated.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are coming towards the end of their 10-day tour to southern Africa, their first overseas trip with baby Archie.

Meghan and Archie stayed in South Africa, while the Duke of Sussex also travelled to Botswana and Angola.

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