Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Meghan Markle compared Ellen and Oprah in extraordinary anecdote: ‘Funny story’

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The Duchess of Sussex spoke to Ellen DeGeneres in a rare one-on-one interview, broadcast in the US last night, in which she discussed her new life outside of the Royal Family. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have kept their family life private so far – they are yet to share a photo of their daughter Lilibet, now five months, who was named with a nod to the Queen’s nickname. But Meghan shared some details about family life with Ellen, affectionately dubbed “Auntie Ellen”. Meghan said: “Someone told H [Harry] and I that when you have one kid it’s a hobby, and two children is parenting.

“Suddenly we realised, ‘oh right’, everyone talks about what it’s like for the second child but no one talks about the adjustment for the first child when the second one comes along.

“I think they have that moment of, ‘oh, this is fun, oh, this is how it is now’.”

She also mentioned that she is looking forward to the family’s second Thanksgiving in California.

Meghan and Ellen are believed to have developed a close friendship since they first met nine years ago.

As Meghan recalled their chance encounter at a dog shelter in an interview with Best Health in 2016, she noted that Ellen heavily encouraged her to adopt the pup she was cuddling.

In the end, she admitted she was swayed by Ellen’s encouragement, comparing her influence to that of another chat show host, Oprah Winfrey.

Meghan and Oprah have also become friends in recent years, with the American TV star even coming to Meghan’s wedding to Harry in 2018.

Meghan explained how she came to own Bogart, a Labrador-German Shepherd mix, in her 2016 interview, saying: “It’s a funny story…

“I saw him and I was just sitting there with him and then Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi walk in.

“Now, I don’t know her, but Ellen goes ‘Is that your dog?’ And I said, ‘No,’ and she’s like, ‘You have to take that dog.’ And I said, ‘Well, I’m deciding.’ And she’s like, ‘Rescue the dog!’

“It’s sort of like if Oprah tells you to do something.

“I’m sitting there holding him and she’s like ‘Have you thought of a name for him yet?’ And I said, ‘Well, I think I’d name him Bogart,’ and she’s like ‘You’re taking the dog home.’

“And she walks outside to get into her car but instead of getting in she turns around and comes and taps on the window glass and she yells ‘Take the dog!’

“And so I brought him home. Because Ellen told me to.”

In Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand’s book on the Sussexes, ‘Finding Freedom’, it is claimed: “Although Meghan didn’t grow up with pets, Bogs, as she called him, became the object of her devotion and in heavy rotation on her Instagram feed.

“But she credits Ellen DeGeneres as the reason she adopted the Lab mix.”

An unnamed source quoted by The Mirror said of Ellen and Meghan’s relationship: “Meghan adores Ellen and loves the fact that she and Portia are huge animal lovers.

“She said they have stayed in touch since meeting in person and have become close.”

“She said they actually have a lot in common and that Ellen has been a huge support, especially since moving to Canada”.

According to reports, Meghan didn’t bring Bogart to the UK with her when she joined the Royal Family because the dog “never took to Harry”.

The source told The Sun: “Meghan adored that dog but the decision not to take him back was based on Bogart’s relationship with Harry.

“Bogart never took to Harry when they spent time together in Canada.

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“He didn’t like Harry. Meghan was very vocal about the fact it wouldn’t be fair to take him back full-time, given Bogart’s feelings for her husband.

“Of course, her staff in the UK who knew about her decision found her statement quite strange, but they accepted it at face value because Meghan knows her dogs.”

However, it was reported elsewhere that Bogart was too old to travel to the UK.

Meghan did bring her other dog, Guy, however.

While Meghan and Oprah are now good friends, they had only met once prior to the Sussexes’ wedding, according to The Independent.

Shortly before the wedding in 2018, Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland and Oprah were spotted together, leading to some speculation of a televised conversation between the two.

A month later, the American TV star clarified in a conversation with Entertainment Tonight that while the two weren’t planning an interview, the she had invited Doria over to her home.

Oprah said: “The story was that Meghan’s mom had come to my house and she left laden with gifts.

“You know what the gifts were? First of all, she’s great at yoga, so I said, ‘Bring your yoga mat and your sneakers in case we just want to do yoga on the lawn.’ So one of the bags was a yoga mat and the other was lunch.”

Oprah added that Meghan’s mother left her house with kumquats from her garden.

She continued: “She said, ‘I love kumquats,’ and I said, ‘I have a kumquat tree! You want some kumquats?’ So it was a basket of kumquats, people.

“For all of the people who said I am getting her gifts and I’m trying to bribe her for an interview, they were kumquats. If kumquats can get you an interview, I’m all for it!”

Meghan Markle’s interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show aired in the US on CBS at 8pm. It will be broadcast on ITV2 within a week of its US release.

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