Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Meghan and Harry avoiding ‘controversial’ topics so Netflix plans not ‘vetoed’ by Palace

Meghan Markle and Harry: Expert discusses couple’s plans

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s future work will not be “vetoed” by the Royal Family, according to a royal commentator. Richard Fitzwilliams spoke to about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s relationship with the Palace going forward. He stressed that there would be an effort to avoid anything that could prove to be “controversial” in their Netflix and Spotify deals.

Mr Fitzwilliams told “I think the emphasis will be on their good sense and their judgement.

“I don’t think that there’s anything that they would want to do that would be vetoed.

“As far as I know, they certainly don’t intend to do anything controversial.

“Although we don’t know, you see, there are question marks over this.”

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He continued: “We don’t know precisely what they’ll be doing.

“We know there’ll be documentaries and children’s programmes.

“There’ll be programmed that will be made on topics they are committed to.

“That’ll be things like diversity, gender equality, environmental issues, issues dealing with mental health etc.”

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The expert added: “Where they are committed, they’ll be speaking out.

“But this wouldn’t be expected to be controversial with the Royal Family.

“The only thing that would be controversial is if they made a programme about their experiences or something like that.”

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Mr Fitzwilliams told the Daily Express: “A kiss and tell would be the last thing they’re intending to do.”

The Duke and Duchess have managed to secure a number of opportunities since stepping down from the Royal Family.

These include multi-year deals with US streaming giants, Netflix and Spotify.

According to Spotify, Archewell Audio will produce programming that “uplifts and entertains audiences around the world and features diverse perspectives and voices”.

Similarly with Netflix, the couple have signed on to produce and possibly star in documentaries, feature films and children’s programmes.

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