Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024

MARR SLAPDOWN! Furious Farage delivers blistering attack on BBC man’s ‘ludicrous questions

The Brexit Party leader was already frustrated by the fierce debate when the BBC veteran told him that his “tune has changed”. The Eurosceptic shot back: “The tune has not changed!” But Mr Marr attempted to skewer the former UKIP leader, blasting: “You now say that a second referendum would be, in your phrase, ‘the ultimate betrayal’.

“How can it be the ultimate betrayal when you yourself have advocated it?”

Mr Farage was forced to internalise his fury, bowing his head and groaning: “Oh dear, oh dear.”

Clarifying, he raged: “Look, I’ve said we have to prepare ourselves on the Leave side mentally for the fact there could be another referendum.

“If there is we have to fight it and win it.”

But the BBC host wouldn’t back down, asking how that would be a betrayal.

Mr Farage spat: “Because we haven’t even implemented the first one!

“We have to implement the first one before you can even think about having another one.

“That’s how the democratic process works with government and should work with referenda.

“But here’s the point: if we had a second referendum I think Leave would win by a bigger margin.

“However, with this parliament and this Government it wouldn’t be implemented anyway.

“So what we need here is not just to leave the EU – we need a different kind of politics.”

The Brexit Party has overtaken the Tories for the first time in a new general election poll.

Nigel Farage’s party is one point ahead of the Conservatives in what would be the Tories’ worst ever result according to the ComRes survey of voting intentions.

Andrew Hawkins, the chairman of ComRes, described the poll as a “disaster”, adding: “If the Conservative leadership contenders are not careful, there will be no party for them to lead.”

The news in the Sunday Telegraph follows the calamitous local council elections, where Mrs May oversaw the loss of nearly 1,300 Tory councillors, and comes ahead of a predicted wipeout in the European elections in the next fortnight.

The poll shows the Conservatives would lose 46 seats to the Brexit Party, dethroning Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt, Health Secretary Matt Hancock and party chairman Brandon Lewis.

And Labour would take the scalps of Boris Johnson, Iain Duncan Smith and Sir Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 committee, with the Tories retaining support from less than half of those who voted for them in 2017.

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