Friday, 4 Oct 2024

Manchester Arena attack: Father of teenage victim pleaded with her to come round as officers tried to save her life, inquest hears

The father of a teenage girl who died in the Manchester Arena attack pleaded with her to come round as police officers tried to save her life, the inquiry has heard.

The officers refused to give up on Megan Hurley, 15, from Halewood, Merseyside, even when told they had no hope of saving her by first aiders.

Her father, Michael, rushed into the City Room foyer when he saw the panicked crowds fleeing from the arena, to find both his son Bradley, then aged 21, and daughter Megan, had been badly injured.

He could be heard on police officers’ bodyworn cameras pleading with her as they administered CPR: “Come on Meg. Come on Megan, love.”

Mr Hurley stayed on his own with his daughter for an hour and 20 minutes, before finally leaving the City Room, well after his son, the last casualty to be cleared from the area, was taken to a treatment area in the station below.

As hearings continue into the individual treatment of each victim, the inquiry heard that Megan and her brother, Bradley, had stayed for the encore of the Ariana Grande concert and entered the City Room foyer at 10.30pm on 22 May 2017, seconds before the explosion.

Megan was 3m away from the bomber and Bradley was seriously injured in the explosion, leaving him with two broken legs and unable to get to his feet.

He found Megan next to him, facing down and “straight away” knew she had died when he looked at her.

She did not appear to be breathing but he tried to take her pulse and to call for help.

Zak Warburton, a member of the first aid team at the arena, remembered being asked by Bradley to check his sister but could not find a pulse or any signs of life.

Michael Hurley was driving back to the arena with his wife Joanne to pick up their children when he was told they were near the box office and ran into the City Room foyer where the bomb had gone off at 10.55pm, 24 minutes after the explosion to find his children.

A member of the public had covered Megan with a T-shirt but her father appears to have removed it and described in a statement finding her lying on her back with her eyes closed but could not see any damage to her face.

He could not feel a pulse in her wrist or neck but called the police over.

Sgt Kam Hare had entered the City Room with his officers at the same time and approached Megan and Bradley and placed a hand on Bradley’s shoulder saying: “Guys, hang in there, hang in there guys, okay? Just hang in there.”

He remembered Megan was in a “bad way” but called over an officer who has been referred to only as F2 because he now works undercover.

The officer crouched down to take a pulse and asked whether she had been talking, then told a fellow officer: “Give me a second. I think I’ve got a pulse.”

Bradley could be heard asking: “Can we do something? Can we get defibrillators?”

As F2 and another officer, PC Owen Whittell, gave CPR to Megan, Michael Hurley could be heard shouting: “Come on Meg” and a minute later: “Come on Megan, love.”

Ian Parry, who led the first aid team at the arena, told them at 11.03pm: “Guys that is a catastrophic bleed, you are wasting your time, move on and leave them, it is unfortunate, but move on to other bleeds.”

Sgt Hare insisted: “We are not calling it yet mate.”

At 11.06pm, Patrick Ennis, an advanced paramedic, who had arrived in the City Room 13 minutes earlier, approached F2 and PC Whittell and asked if Megan was breathing.

When he was told she was not, he told them: “Okay well stop, unfortunately she is dead.”

F2 said he spoke to Megan to try and get a response, checked to see if she was breathing, and checked her pulse but during the time they worked on her there was no change in her condition.

He said he thought he knew they could not help Megan but they were concerned her father was there and they did not want to walk away.

Bradley was finally carried out of the City Room on a makeshift stretcher at 11.39pm, an hour and eight minutes after the explosion, accompanied by his mother.

He was the last casualty to be cleared from the area but Michael Hurley stayed with his daughter until 1.02am before going to the station below to find his wife and son.

At 2.44am, four hours and 13 minutes after the explosion, an ambulance was finally made available to take Bradley Hurley to hospital, accompanied by his parents, his aunt, who had arrived to help, and a police officer who had stayed with him.

A pathologist found Megan had died from multiple injuries and that those injuries were not survivable even with advanced medical treatment.

The inquiry continues.

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