Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025

Man who stabbed victim repeatedly in ‘brutal attack’ jailed

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Andrew Marangos has been jailed for 28 years after being convicted of attempted murder and two counts of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place. Maragos stabbed his victim, hit him over the head with a metal bar, and slammed his legs in a car door during the attack on Tuesday, January 11 in Enfield. Snaresbrook Crown Court heard that the victim, a man in his 60s, had met Marangos around eight times before the attack. 

The victim picked Marangos up near his home address in Broadlands Avenue before driving to Swan Way where he pulled up.

Marangos began looking through his pockets, pretending to look for money.

When the victim suggested the cash might be in his top pocket Marangos hit him over the head with a metal bar, knocking him unconscious.

Marangos went on to stab the man six times, five times in the neck and once in the right lung.

When the victim regained consciousness, he realised he was badly injured but did not know he had been stabbed until the police told him.

The Metropolitan Police said Marangos was shouting “where is it,” attempting to rob his victim.

In a bid to get help, the victim honked his horn as Marangos ran around the driver’s side and asked him where the drugs were.

Trying to get the attention of a passerby, the victim told Marangos to look in the boot properly while he dangled his legs out of the car and shouted for help.

Marangos rushed over to the driver’s side and rammed the door against the victim’s legs several times.

The victim asked Marangos how he was going to get away with it, and he replied, “don’t worry, you’re not going to be here”. The victim debated about whether to tell his attacker where the drugs were, but he believed Marangos would murder him as soon as he had the drugs in his possession.

Marangos then fled the scene as a passer-by helped the victim and called the emergency services.

The victim was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries and received emergency surgery where his leg had to be amputated.

Detectives spoke with the victim and he told officers that his attacker was called “Andy” – but he did not know his full name.

Officers examined the victim’s phone and identified Marangos as the suspect.

Other CCTV footage reviewed by officers showed Marangos in a supermarket just an hour after the attack, calmly buying alcohol and painkillers.

Officers also established that Marangos’s mobile phone had been discarded or switched off immediately after the attack and not used since, in a bid to cover his tracks.

Following the sentencing, Detective Inspector Paul Ridley from the Metropolitan Police North area’s CID described Mangaros as a “very dangerous individual and an acute risk to the public”.

He added: “He clearly intended to kill the victim, exemplified by the sheer brutal and sustained force he used, armed with two dangerous weapons and leaving him for dead.”

Marangos was jailed for 28 years and must serve two-thirds of his sentence and cannot be released without permission of the parole board.

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