Saturday, 22 Jun 2024

Man in court on murder charge after 35-year-old ‘stabbed in his sleep’ in Hounslow

A man has appeared in court after being accused of stabbing a 35-year-old to death while he slept.

Simon Emmons, 39, has been charged with the murder of Ebrima Cham – known as Brim – at a friend’s flat in Hounslow, west London, on 19 December.

Police were called to the flat in Grove Road at 11.30am and although emergency services attempted to save him, the victim was pronounced dead soon afterwards.

A post-mortem found Mr Cham died from multiple stab injuries. Police say he was stabbed to death as he slept.

Emmons was arrested on Thursday and appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court on Saturday, dressed in a grey tracksuit.

The defendant, from Whitton, west London, spoke only to confirm his details.

He has also been charged with possession of a knife.

In an earlier statement, Mr Cham’s family said they felt “numb with pain” and had “so many questions, not least ‘why?'”

They also said their Christmas celebrations had “morphed into our time of mourning the loss of our Brim for evermore”.

The Met Police previously said a 68-year-old man arrested on suspicion of murder two days after the killing has been bailed to a date in mid-January.

A 44-year-old man also previously arrested on suspicion of murder has been released with no further action.

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