Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024

Man denies tricking pensioner into paying for fake Covid vaccine

A man accused of tricking a 92-year-old woman into paying for a fake coronavirus vaccine has pleaded not guilty.

David Chambers, 33, allegedly deceived his way into the pensioner’s home on December 30.

The City of London Police say he told her he would give her a jab, before apparently administering one and charging her £160 for it.

Chambers was also charged with assault for beating up the elderly lady on the same day, which he also denies.

Then the court heard how on January 4 he returned to the pensioner’s home in Surbiton, south London, and said she owed him a further £100.

Chambers, also from Surbiton, pleaded not guilty to two counts of fraud by false representation and one charge of battery this morning.

He spoke only to confirm his name, give his date of birth, enter his not guilty pleas and say he understood proceedings during the short hearing.

He was remanded in custody by Judge Judith Coello ahead of a trial at Kingston Crown Court, to be held from August 9.

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