Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Man, 27, with autism shot dead after answering door 'wouldn't hurt a fly'

The devastated mother of a man shot dead on his doorstep in a suspected case of mistaken identity has said he ‘wouldn’t hurt a fly’.

Chad Gordon, 27, who had autism, was shot at close range when he answered the door at his family’s home in north London on Monday night. His killers immediately fled his home in Wiltshire Gardens, Haringey, on a scooter.

He was found by medics with a gunshot wound to the head and was pronounced dead at the scene. Chad has been described by police as a ‘gentle giant’ and there is ‘no reason why anyone would want to hurt him’.

Mother, Anne Marie Wilson, said: ‘We are devastated by what has happened, Chad wouldn’t hurt a fly, he was so gentle and caring. If anyone knows anything, then I urge them to contact the police.’

British rapper Chip also paid tribute to his childhood friend Chad in two Instagram posts, in which he sent his ‘deepest condolences’ to his family and said how ‘loved’ the victim was.

‘He was disabled and autistic so would not speak much at all. Just wave and say hey then pedal bike off with his shy self,’ he wrote.

‘Just wanted to put my public condolences out for Neighbour Hood Chad and his family,’ he added.

Armed officers rushed to the scene after police were called to reports that shots had been fired just after 8.20pm.

Detectives believe his two killers, wearing black clothing and motorcycle helmets, fled on a scooter. No arrests have yet been made.

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Partridge said: ‘Chad was gunned down in his own home for no more reason that he opened his door.

‘How can his family ever come to terms with such a wicked and senseless act? I am appealing to the community to come forward, show your support for an innocent man’s family and tell us what you know.

‘At 8.20pm the two killers arrived on a scooter dressed in black clothing and helmets and went to Chad’s home in Wiltshire Gardens.

‘They rang the doorbell and upon opening the door Chad was shot almost immediately at very close range.

‘The men then left on the scooter, travelling into Finsbury Park Avenue and then onto Hermitage Road.’

DCI Partridge added: ‘It would have still been light when the shooting took place and I’m hoping there are people out there who saw something who we’ve not yet spoken to.

‘Did you see a moped arrive or leaving the scene? Did you see it travelling along Finsbury Park Avenue or any of the streets nearby? Are you a driver with dash cam footage of the moped in the events leading up to or after the incident? Any information passed to us will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

‘Chad has been described as a gentle giant, he had autism and there is no reason why anyone would want to hurt him.

‘Someone will know who killed Chad and I urge them to make contact with my officers immediately.

‘Chad’s family have suffered more than is imaginable, do not add to their suffering by shielding those responsible.

‘Please help Chad’s family find answers and justice; call the police.’

Anyone with information is being urged by police to call the incident room on 020 8358 0300, or 101 quoting CAD 7506/18May, tweet @Met CC or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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