Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Louis breaks royal tradition with unusual choice of outfit at carol service

Prince Louis makes his debut at Kate’s Christmas concert

Prince Louis broke a royal tradition tonight as he made his debut appearance at his mum Princess Kate’s Christmas Carol Concert at Westminster Abbey.

The young prince arrived holding hands with his dad Prince William, while his brother Prince George and sister Princess Charlotte were beside him.

The three siblings looked delighted to be attending the annual event, which is hosted by the Princess of Wales.

For the occasion, Louis proved to be quite the fashion icon as he donned a navy blue jacket with what appeared to be a maroon-coloured jumper underneath.

William and Kate’s youngest child’s outfit was completed with a pair of colour-matching trousers and navy blue Chelsea boots.

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But it was the choice of trousers that caught the public’s attention.

So far, the young royal had been wearing shorts at royal engagements unlike his brother and it was all down to tradition, according to an etiquette expert.

William Hanson had previously told Harper’s Bazaar: “It’s a very English thing to dress a young boy in shorts.”

“Trousers are for older boys and men, whereas shorts on young boys is one of those silent class markers that we have in England.”

Meanwhile, a royal expert claimed that royal boys start wearing long trousers after they turn eight.

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Editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine said: “It is shorts until you’re eight and then ‘woo, you’re in long trousers’.”

But after Louis’s appearance in long trousers tonight, royal fans took to X to share their amusement.

One user wrote: “Aww look how grown up Louis looks in his long trousers [Heart eyes emoji]”, while another one added: “Louis is wearing a big boy suit, the entire family are adorable.”

A third one said: “Prince Louis is so cute”, while a fourth one chimed: “would appear tradition has been eased up for Louis, usually RF male children wear shorts till age 8, George did.”

Now royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams claimed that even if there was a royal rule for young royal boys to wear shorts til the age of eight, Louis’s appearance shows how the monarchy is evolving.

He told “I read it’s a tradition among the upper classes to dress boys in shorts. William and Harry used to wear them. It’s supposed to be something they grow out of about eight.

“There wouldn’t be a rule they had to. Maybe he doesn’t want to. Or doesn’t like them like William and kilts or so it’s rumoured!

“I do think that if a child didn’t want to wear clothing that’s normally worn but voluntary, he or she obviously shouldn’t be made to these days, but in the past they would probably have been forced to.”

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