Thursday, 20 Feb 2025

London UNDER WATER: Capital at risk of being submerged as sea levels rise warns expert

The climate change expert explained how a rise of 1-2 metres in sea level could lead to London becoming unlivable. He also suggested London would not be the first global city to suffer this fate as he highlighted Kolkata’s frequent flooding. Sir David King was speaking on BBC Radio 4’s World at One.  

The Cambridge University physical chemistry professor was asked: “If the climate is changing what are the main effects that you think we will need to manage as a result of that?”

He replied: “So we in Britain will need to manage rising sea levels.

“Already we’re seeing storms at sea, storms inland that’s what happens with an island nation.

“Our rivers are in flood at the same time as our coastlines are under attack and as the sea level rises there is more and more incursion inland from the coastal areas.

“So our biggest challenge is undoubtedly sea level rise and if the sea level rises one or two metres we’re going to have to move London to higher ground.”

He continued: “London is not going to be the first global city to be unliveable.

“I believe Kolkata will be unliveable in a fairly short space of time because of frequent flooding. 

“I think when we look at the future and the potential risk, whether the risk is at the level of 50 percent or 100 percent or even 5 pcercent, it is a risk that we have to manage now.”

Members of the European Parliament will this week vote on whether to declare a “climate emergency” – after moving thousands of staff and their whole operation from Brussels to Strasbourg.

Demanding an EU reality check, the European Conservative and Reformists group of MEPs have requested a study into the environmental costs of maintaining the Strasbourg seat. 

Caroline Voaden, leader of Lib Dem MEPs, said: “I hope this move will inject some urgency into efforts to tackle climate change across the EU and beyond.

“Recent flooding in the UK and a wave of natural disasters from Australia to the Amazon show the climate emergency is real and there is no time to lose.

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“The EU institutions should get their own house in order by ending the travelling circus between the European Parliament’s two places of work.

“Only international cooperation will tackle climate change, which is why a Liberal Democrat government would lead in Europe instead of leaving and push for real reforms.”

France is the main advocate for parliamentary sessions in both Brussels and Strasbourg, which is enshrined in the EU treaties.

Any change would require a unanimous decision by the European Council at a summit of the bloc’s leaders.

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