Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024

London Fire Brigade put in special measures for racism and gender discrimination

The London Fire Brigade has been put in special measures after claims of racism and gender discrimination.

Firefighters will now be under further scrutiny, and it comes following the findings of a report in July.

It will now be placed into the ‘Engage’ phase of monitoring by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS).

The monitoring process consists of two stages: Scan and Engage.

All fire and rescue services are in the Scan phase by default, but may be escalated to Engage where there is a cause of concern.

HMICFRS said LFB has been moved into the Engage phase because there is cumulative evidence from its last inspection and afterward of ‘unacceptable behaviour within the brigade, including discrimination and bullying.’

This was reported as a cause of concern by the inspectorate in July this year.

It also said the ‘values and behaviours’ the brigade aspires to are not always demonstrated by senior leaders, and the brigade needs to ‘do more to demonstrate progress in improving its culture.’

His Majesty’s Inspector of Fire and Rescue Services Matt Parr said: ‘We should recognise that London Fire Brigade’s recent cultural review was commissioned by the brigade, whose leadership has accepted its findings without reservation.

‘However, it is clear that the behavioural problems we highlighted earlier this year are deep seated and have not improved.

‘The Engage process provides additional scrutiny of the brigade’s plans, and support for them from across the fire sector.

‘We will now examine London Fire Brigade’s improvement plans more frequently and more intrusively, and work closely with the brigade to monitor its progress.’

Susan Hall AM, leader of the GLA Conservatives, said: ‘It is unacceptable that on Sadiq Khan’s watch, both the Met Police and now the London Fire Brigade have been put into special measures.

‘A culture of abusive and appalling behaviour should not have been allowed to grow unchallenged in both of these organisations, and it is time that the Mayor stopped sitting on the sidelines and took action to stop it.

‘Like all Londoners, I was shocked and saddened by the findings of Nazir Afzal’s review and the horrific cases of misogyny, racism and bullying that it uncovered.

‘Sadiq Khan must take responsibility and reform the London Fire Brigade to ensure this behaviour is rooted out completely.’

This is a breaking news story, more to follow soon… Check back shortly for further updates.

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