Saturday, 5 Oct 2024

Lockdown POLL: After shock suggestion, should over-70s stay on extended lockdown?

Health Minister Lord James Bethell last week refused to deny an age-specific quarantine targeting older Britons was under consideration after he was questioned by former Labour Home Secretary Lord David Blunkett on the matter. His stance sparked speculation about the idea, which would leave elderly people confined to their homes for an indeterminate period of time.

Proponents would likely argue such a move would be a way of protecting them while getting the economy back on track.

However, critics – including Lord Blunkett – argue it would in fact penalise unfairly them, leaving them isolated and lonely.

He said: “I was very concerned by the government’s refusal to answer my question.

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Older people must not be subjected to arbitrary incarceration as well as isolation

Lord David Blunkett

“Older people must not be subjected to arbitrary incarceration as well as isolation.

“The more the government make restrictions age-related rather than risk-related, the more they risk people pushing back very heavily and refusing to keep to the rules.”

Lord Blunkett said the Government had “picked the arbitrary age of 70 out of the air” in March when it imposed the initial lockdown based on age.

He added: “Age is no longer a risk factor unless underlying health conditions are attached.”

Former Tory Pensions Minister Ros Altmann added: “I have real fears that ministers are considering blanket bans to prevent older people leaving their homes during the current crisis.

“Ministerial responses suggest government advisers may be seriously recommending using chronological age as a criterion for deciding whether people will be allowed to leave their homes.

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She added: “Such policies are normally the mark of authoritarian regimes, not a mature democracy.

“Collective punishment based on age should be no more acceptable than using gender, ethnicity or body mass index as defining factors.

“Blaming the virus is not a valid justification. These are conscious policy decisions. Isolating all older people, if others are allowed out, also risks damaging their physical and mental health.”

In the wake of the initial lockdown measures, readers taking part in a separate poll last month delivered an emphatic answer to the question: “Should over-70s be banned from leaving their homes?”

Out of 7,970 people who voted between 10.30am and 9pm on March 23, 5,689 (72 percent) said no.

By contrast, just 2,074 (26 percent) said yes, with a further 207 (two percent) undecided.

Several readers suggested older people were more likely to comply with advice about self-isolating and social distancing.

One commented: “According to the pictures over the weekend it’s the 20-40s who want locking indoors.”

Another said: “No, while this age group is probably the most vulnerable, they are also the most respectful of rules.”

Source: Read Full Article

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