Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Lockdown extension: When is the new Freedom Day?

Redwood: ‘I don’t think PM has come to a conclusion’ on lockdown

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According to the BBC, senior ministers have signed off on the decision to delay the lifting of lockdown. All rules on social contact were planned to end on June 21, but with rising cases of the Delta coronavirus variant, the government is expected to take a cautious approach.

When is the new Freedom Day?

June 21 has been dubbed ‘Freedom Day’, but it looks like we’ll need to look to a new date now.

If the four-week extension is followed, the new Freedom Day will be July 19.

This would mean that capacity limits for gatherings, sports and events would remain, and nightclubs would stay closed.

This final unlocking, stage four of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown, was meant to see all legal limits on social contact removed by June 21.

But many scientists have called for the reopening to be delayed to enable more people to be vaccinated and receive second doses amid rising cases of the Delta variant.

A delay would also allow for more work to be done on whether vaccines are breaking, or simply weakening, the link between infections and hospitalisations.

Health Minister Edward Argar told the BBC he could not confirm the delay ahead of the official announcement, but that there was a “concerning increase” in cases of the Delta variant and numbers in hospital were “beginning to creep up”.

Most severe cases were among unvaccinated people or those who had only one dose, he said.

He said at the current rates of vaccination, over four weeks they would be able to administer nearly 10 million second doses to increase protection.

Mr Argar said the Prime Minister would address issues of economic support in any announcement.

He said the PM was “very sensitive” to the situation of couples who have already had to postpone their weddings, in some cases multiple times.

Former Conservative cabinet minister Damian Green suggested the situation should be reviewed before the end of the four-week extension.

He said: “I think if it is as long as a month then there should be a break clause after two or maybe three weeks, to say that if we can tell by then that the rise in cases is not leading to a sort of rise in the serious illness that sends people into hospital, then we can unlock earlier.”

Boris Johnson has previously said the Government must be cautious so any easing of restrictions is irreversible.

Rising infections in the UK are being driven by the Delta variant, first identified in India, which now accounts for 90 percent of infections.

The Delta variant is believed to be around 60 percent more infectious than the Alpha variant – which was first identified in Kent and was previously dominant in the UK – and twice as likely to result in infected people being hospitalised.

Prof Andrew Hayward from University College London, who is a member of the Sage group which advises the government, said easing more restrictions would “fan the flames” of rising infections.

On Sunday, the UK recorded 7,490 new cases of Covid-19 and eight deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

The seven-day average for cases in the UK is up 49 percent compared with the seven days before.

Source: Read Full Article

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