Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Lockdown extension: We are NOT rushing to lift measures says Government advisor

The Prime Minister told aides his priority was to help return to a “new normal” once the pandemic has passed its peak. But he said he feared lifting restrictions too soon could spark a second peak and bring another damaging period of lockdown at a heavy cost to the nation’s health and economy.

The idea that we will be rushing to lift measures is a non-starter

Government source

The Prime Minister is understood to have made clear his position during a two-hour meeting with Dominic Raab -who is standing in for Mr Johnson as he recovers from COVID-19 – chief advisor Dominic Cummings and other senior aides.

The Prime Minister’s stance differs from Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove and Chancellor Rishi Sunak who have suggested restrictions should be eased as soon as the peak of the virus has passed and the transmission rate lowered.

But a Government source said: “The idea that we will be rushing to lift measures is a non-starter.

“If the transmission rate rises significantly we will have to do a harder lockdown again.”

England’s deputy chief medical officer later confirmed a second wave of coronavirus deaths was a real prospect if social distancing warnings were not heeded.

Dr Jenny Harries said yesterday’s relatively low increase in hospital deaths – up 596 from 15,464 as of 5pm on Saturday – was “positive news”.

But she warned against reading too much into the figures, saying they reflected the usual drop in cases confirmed at weekends.

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Asked during the daily Downing Street press briefing whether the UK is “past the peak” of coronavirus, Dr Harries said: “We could jump to all sorts of positive conclusions about that but we shouldn’t.

“I do think it is fair to say that we do know from the hospital data that we are starting to plateau across.

“If we don’t keep doing the social distancing, we will create a second peak and we definitely won’t be past it so this is no reason to consider that we have managed this.

“But I do think things look to be heading in the right direction.”

The country began its fifth week in lockdown today with growing calls for a relaxation of measures that have shut schools and businesses, scaled back transport and closed parks and public spaces as.

But Dr Harries defended the country’s approach to managing the spread of the virus.

She said: “We had and we still have a very clear plan – we had a containment phase and it was very successful.

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“We had very strict quarantine regimes from high-risk areas, we followed up individual cases and families wherever that was possible.

“But once you end up with seeding and cases across the community, our focus has to be on managing the clinical conditions of those individuals.”

She cautioned against comparing UK figures with Germany, adding: “We are at different phases of the pandemic.”

Dr Harries said there needs to be “a more adult” conversation regarding lingering questions over the availability of PPE for front-line workers in hospitals and care homes, saying there was “a huge pull on services”.

She said: “I think we perhaps need to, rather than lumping all of the PPE together, which is not a homogeneous mix at all, we just need to think carefully through what has been achieved and the challenges which are acknowledged ahead.”

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