Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Let’s get going! Gove issues Brexit rallying cry to Britain as nation readies to leave EU

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Adverts on television and radio, in newspapers and across social media will alert businesses and households of the need to be fully prepared for the UK leaving the EU’s customs union and single market on December 31. In an upbeat message about the coming freedom from Brussels, the campaign will say: “Let’s Get Going!” and feature a new “Check, Change, Go” logo to raise awareness of the new border rules. Ministers have earmarked a budget of up to £93million for the Cabinet Office-led “new start” Brexit blitz.

It comes as a survey reveals that only a quarter of company directors believe their firms are ready for the exit from the customs union.

Michael Gove, the Cabinet minister in charge of preparations for the transition out of EU regulations, said: “At the end of this year we are leaving the single market and Customs Union regardless of the type of agreement we reach with the EU.

“This will bring changes and significant opportunities for which we all need to prepare.

“While we have already made great progress in getting ready for this moment, there are actions that businesses and citizens must take now to ensure we are ready to hit the ground running as a fully independent United Kingdom.

“This is a new start for everyone in the UK – British and European citizens alike – so let’s get going.”

Advertising in the campaign, dubbed “The UK’s New Start – Let’s Get Going”, begins from 7am today.

It will direct people and businesses to the, which has a checker tool to identify the necessary steps they need to take to prepare for the new border regime.

A team of telephone advisers is also being launched to give business advice about how to minimise disruption to the movement of goods between the UK and EU nations.

The campaign will also target UK citizens intending to travel to Europe from 1 January to point out new border arrangements.

Information is also direct at British expatriates living in the EU and EU, EEA (European Economic Area) and Swiss citizens living in the UK.

Britons planning to visit EU countries next year will need comprehensive travel insurance and a valid passport.

They will also be advised to check their mobile phone provider’s roaming policy.

Anyone planning to visit an EU country with a pet will have to visit a vet at least four months before travel.

Import and export firms will need to get a new EU “EORI” number and register with the relevant customs authorities.

The campaign will highlight the potential benefits of Brexit including the potential for free trade deals, less regulation and the country taking back control of its fishing waters.

Mr Gove also confirmed yesterday that the Government will spend an extra £700million on new border infrastructure at ports and airports to prepare for the new customs regime.

In a Sky News interview, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster said: “We’re spending just over £700 million in order to make sure that our borders can enable the smooth flow of traffic but also keep us safe.

“Some people voted to take back control in the referendum three and a half years ago, they wanted us to be in a position where we could trade with our neighbours in Europe, but also have new trading relationships with other countries.

“In order to do that, that means that we need to have our borders upgraded in order to facilitate that trade and it’s also the case that we want to make sure that we can have tough and secure borders to deal with organised crime and other security threats and that’s one of the reasons why we are investing in more Border Force personnel.

“The technology that we’re investing in today will make it easier for people to do business and also fulfil the promise of taking back control which people voted for.”

The package includes £235 million for staffing and information technology systems plus £470 million for port and inland infrastructure to ensure compliance with new customs procedures and controls.

New border infrastructure will be built inland where there is no space at ports, while ports will get one-off financial support to ensure the right infrastructure is in place.

He also shrugged off reports of a rift with International Trade Secretary Liz Truss over the new border plan.

She was said to have been rebuked by Boris Johnson’s top aide Dominic Cummings after a leaked letter revealed her concerns that the customs regime could lead to a surge in smuggling.

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Asked if he was irritated by the leak, Mr Gove said: “I love Liz. “We don’t comment on leaked documents but Liz and I talk all the time, she is one of my bestest friends in Cabinet.”

A survey of 978 bosses for the Institute of Directors yesterday showed one in four firms are “fully prepared” for the country leaving the EU.

Jonathan Geldart, director-general of the institute, said: “Directors want to take advantage of the opportunities that can come with an independent trade policy.

“They want to start this exciting new chapter on the front foot, not distracted by disruption.”

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