Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Labour MP calls Humza Yousaf 'Mohammed Yousaf' in live TV gaffe

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A Labour shadow minister has apologised after he mistakenly called the first minister of Scotland ‘Mohammed Yousaf’ in a live TV interview.

Peter Kyle MP, the shadow secretary of state for Northern Ireland, slipped up on Sky News this morning as he made the case for Scottish Labour as a ‘credible alternative’ to the SNP.

Humza Yousaf – his actual name – became the first Muslim leader of a Western European country when he took over from Nicola Sturgeon at the end of last month.

Mr Kyle also appeared to mix up Scotland and Northern Ireland in his comments, as he spoke from Belfast.

He said: ‘What we’re trying to do is put together a credible alternative, an inspiring, hopeful alternative, with credible plans to solve the challenges in public services in Northern Ireland, which are rife, the economy, which is underperforming because of two failed governments which are there to serve the people of Northern—of Scotland.

‘Those are the things we’ve tried to set out an alternative to.’

The MP for Hove added: ‘I think that Mohammed Yousaf needs to get a grip on his party, because right now it is not capable of serving the people of Scotland.’

Mr Kyle told ‘I’m always mortified if I ever get someone’s name wrong and I am now.

‘I’m sorry to Humza and promise it’s a mistake I won’t make twice.’

The gaffe prompted criticism on social media, with some describing it as offensive.

Journalist Ash Sarkar wrote: ‘I don’t think it’s unreasonable for British politicians to have to remember the name of the Scottish First Minister, and not just replace it with something equally ethnic-sounding.’

William G Saraband said: ‘On top of giving an utterly vacuous & generic answer where he even mixes up Scotland and Northern Ireland, Peter Kyle invents a whole new person called Muhammad Yousaf.

‘Aye these people are incredibly knowledgeable & care deeply about Scotland, undoubtedly.’

Other people suggested Mr Kyle had mixed up the first minister with Pakistani cricketer Mohammad Yousuf.

The new First Minister of Scotland apparently…

When he was elected SNP leader earlier last month, Mr Yousaf became the second Muslim leader of a major political party in Scotland, after the incumbent Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar.

The first minister’s office declined to comment.

When asked for a comment, both Scottish Labour and the UK Labour Party responded with Mr Kyle’s apology.

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