Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Labour leadership: Anti-Corbyn Labour MP backs ‘honest and direct’ Jess Phillips

Speaking to LBC radio, the Labour MP – a long-standing critic of Jeremy Corbyn over the way the party has failed to deal with anti-Semitism under his leadership – claimed Jess Phillips would provide the party with a “completely different” leader to the traditional political class. She said: “I am a member of the Labour Party because I believe in the Labour values. I want those labour values to be enacted in Government. She then said that the leader had to be someone who would aspire and move towards leadership.”

The Labour MP for Barking admitted her party now needs “a very charismatic person” to replace Jeremy Corbyn as she revealed she will vote for Jess Phillips.

Dame Margaret also said that Ms Phillips “connects incredibly well with people”, “she is clear that it’s about Labour values”, “she is very honest”, “she is incredibly direct” and that she has the “personality and values” needed.

Known for being outspoken and candid, Ms Phillips has long been a Corbyn critic. The 38-year-old ran women’s refuges for victims of domestic abuse before becoming an MP in 2015.

The youngest of four children, she grew up in a Labour-supporting working-class household and was given the membership of the party for her 14th birthday.

It was a childhood ambition to become prime minister. Ms Phillips said she would run for the leadership to challenge Johnson, and to rebuild trust with voters.

“Politics needs honest voices”, she said.

Six candidates have announced they intend to stand for the leadership: Shadow business secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey, shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer, frontbenchers Emily Thornberry and Clive Lewis, and backbenchers Jess Phillips and Lisa Nandy.

Ms Phillips told The Andrew Marr Show she would “wait and see” how Brexit turns out but hinted a return to the EU would be possible under her leadership.

But when pressed whether she would re-nationalise mail, water and energy, the Birmingham Yardley MP told the BBC show that “we have to make choices”.

“Of course have to in the future look to how those services can better serve the public and nationalisation is one of those ways,” she said.

“While there are still homeless people literally sleeping outside my office both in London and in Birmingham we have to make the choices that people can trust that we will deliver.”

Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer said Labour had lost the trust of voters who felt the manifesto was “overloaded”.

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Sir Keir, the current favourite in the race, said Labour lost the public’s trust over a lack of clarity on Brexit, anti-Semitism, and a “feeling that the manifesto was overloaded”.

But he told BBC’s Andrew Marr that “we shouldn’t retreat from the radical” as he outlined his vision for the future.

Shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry said the “dreadful” electoral result was partly because the manifesto “just wasn’t convincing because their was too much in it”.

“In the end, we can say until we are blue in the face that there is another way- and there is – but we won’t get the opportunity to serve if people don’t believe us,” she told Sky’s Sophy Ridge on Sunday.

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