Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Kuenssberg puts Raab on spot over Boris Johnson health ‘how can he run the country?’

10 days after testing positive for coronavirus, Downing Street has confirmed that the Prime Minister has now been admitted to hospital. During the daily briefing, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab made assurances that Boris Johnson was only admitted as a “precaution” and would still be carrying out his leadership role. However, BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg voiced concern over whether Mr Johnson was “well enough” to tackle the “national emergency”.

She asked: “If the Prime Minister is ill enough to need to be in hospital, how can he be well enough to run the country at a time of national emergency?

“Wouldn’t it be better if he stepped back, even briefly, in order to recover?”

Mr Raab defended the decision: “On the PM, he was admitted to hospital for tests as a precaution only.

“That was because some of the symptoms that he had when he first tested positive had persisted.”

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The Foreign Secretary continued: “He’s had a comfortable night in St Thomas’.

“He’s in good spirits and he’s being regularly updated.

“He still remains in charge of the Government.

“We’re getting on with all of the various strands of work to make sure that home and abroad, we can defeat the virus and pull the country through coronavirus and the challenges that undoubtedly we’re facing at the moment.”

At the beginning of the press conference, Mr Raab took time to update the UK on the steps the Government is taking to defeat the coronavirus.

He said: “Our step-by-step action plan is aimed at slowing the spread of the virus so fewer people need hospital treatment at any one time.

“That will protect the NHS’ ability to cope.”

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More to follow…

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