Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Kate promises to wear pink dress when she meets brave girl with leukemia

Kate Middleton: Experts discuss anniversary gift

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Kate made the pledge to Mila Sneddon, who is having chemotherapy for leukaemia, after the five-year-old starred in her Hold Still pandemic photo project. Mila was separated from her father for seven weeks as he had to work and could not risk taking Covid back home in Falkirk.

She was seen kissing the kitchen window with dad Scott outside in a shot captioned Shielding Mila.

Kensington Palace yesterday posted on YouTube a recording of a phone chat between the Duchess and Mila plus her mother Lynda, who took the photo. Mila asked: “Do you have a costume?”

Kate, 39, replied: “I’m not wearing a princess costume right now, I’m afraid Mila. Do you have lots of dressing-up outfits?” Mila said her favourite colour was pink and Kate added: “Hopefully Mila we’ll get to meet and then I’ll remember to wear my pink dress for you.”

Kate asked Mila about being apart from her father: “Was it really hard not seeing him?” Mila said it was and spoke about the reunion: “When he came into the house I was like, so surprised.”

Kate told Lynda all the judges felt her shot was “such a powerful one. [Lockdown] must have been so challenging.” Lynda said: “We’ve had our ups and downs. Scott and I are so proud of Mila and Jodi, my eldest.”

A book of 100 pictures chosen from the 31,000 sent in after Kate and the National Portrait Gallery launched the project last year is published today.

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