Saturday, 29 Jun 2024

Kate is ‘last hope’ for Royal Family against Meghan and Harry’s ‘star quality’

Kate Middleton 'blossoming' in her role says Sacerdoti

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Meghan and Harry are two of the most famous people on the planet- and live in California after officially stepping away from their roles as senior working royals this year. They have since signed lucrative deals to produce content with Netflix and Spotify.

Their departure from traditional royal roles meant the title Fab Four – used to describe Harry, Meghan, William and Kate – never lasted.

And royal commentators believe their exit to the US symbolised a loss of appeal to the Royal Family.

Speaking on the Palace Confidential podcast, journalist Charlotte Griffiths said: “I think it’s essential they turn up the glamour, because the ‘Fab Four’ never came to fruition.

“I’m afraid, the Royal Family look quite bland compared to Meghan and Harry, they just have that star quality.

“And Kate has got to ramp it up, because she’s got to bring the glamour.

“She is our last hope for glamour in the Royal Family now.”

Rebecca English, royal editor at the Daily Mail, believes she has noticed Kate stepping up her game since the summer.

Ms English said: “I’ve done quite a few engagements with her recently, and I think there’s definitely a spring in her step that wasn’t there before, and a sense of confidence that we haven’t seen before.”

Ms Griffiths also echoed the views of Ms English.

Ms Griffiths said: “I think she’s making quite bold colour choices lately, and I’m wondering if she’s taking a leaf out of the Queen’s book.”

The 39-year-old has been enjoying a break this week as her kids are off for half term.

Time off for Prince George, eight, and Princess Charlotte, six, will last from October 21 until October 29.

A trip to Amner Hall in Norfolk could be on the cards for the family as they may be heading to their country house in the area.

Last year, the family headed to a beautiful stone cottage on the Isles of Scilly, an archipelago off the Cornish coast.

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George, Charlotte and Louis — with the help of William and Kate – also baked cupcakes to give to a care home in Norfolk before heading off.

The home in Norfolk dates back to the 18th century – and was given to Kate and William when they married in 2011.

A huge week for the senior royals is upcoming, with COP26 taking place in Glasgow.

US president Joe Biden is among 100 heads of state attending the summit, alongside the Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The event will take place between Sunday, October 31 to Friday, November 12.

Queen Elizabeth II was captured on camera recently speaking about the upcoming summit.

Her Majesty said: “Extraordinary, isn’t it. I’ve been hearing all about Cop… still don’t know who is coming. No idea.

“We only know about people who are not coming…”

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