Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

Jeremy Hunt warns SECOND wave of coronavirus in autumn to spark urgent home testing surge

Jeremy Hunt has warned of a second wave of coronavirus in summer or autumn but explained self-test kits will stop the spread and a need for extreme self-isolation. The former Health Secretary said testing means the UK will be able to get on top of hotspots for the virus very quickly thanks to testing. Home testing for COVID-19 is expected to be validated this week before being made available to the public.

Speaking to ITV’s Peston, Mr Hunt said: “In South Korea, the restaurants are still open. In Taiwan, office blocks are still open.

“But they have done a massive program of testing and the point of testing is you get on top of where the virus is very, very quickly.

“You isolate the person who has it and then you track down all the people they’ve been in contact with and take them out of circulation.

“I think the news that the Government is really ramping up the testing is very important.

“I hope it will mean that if the virus comes back for a second wave in the summer or the autumn, instead of having to go back into these very extreme social-distancing measures, we can use the much more laser-like targeting.”

More to follow…

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