Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Jeremy Corbyn's brother is escorted by police days after lockdown protest arrest

Jeremy Corbyn’s brother was seen being escorted by police on the tube a week after he was arrested at an anti-lockdown protest.

Piers Corbyn, brother of the former leader of the Labour Party, was pictured with six police officers on the London Underground this afternoon.

He appeared to be holding a placard and travelled from Clapham Common to London Bridge alongside the officers.

The British Transport Police force has been contacted for comment.

It comes after dozens of protesters ignored health warnings to gather in Hyde Park and call for the end of the coronavirus lockdown last Saturday.

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Placards reading ‘freedom over fear’ and ‘exvaxxinate’ were held aloft by people, dubbed ‘Covidiots, protesting what they believe to be a ‘fake virus’.

Scuffles broke out as officers moved into make arrests. One man lead away was understood to be Piers Corbyn.

Carrying a megaphone Mr Corbyn shouted that 5G and the coronavirus pandemic were linked and were a made up ‘pack of lies to brainwash you and keep you in order’.

He also said ‘vaccination is not necessary’ and ‘5G towers will be installed everywhere’, adding: ‘5G enhances anyone who’s got illness from Covid, so they work together.’

There is no evidence of this whatsoever and scientists fear a spike in measles among children is linked in part to unfounded fears about vaccines.

Mr Corbyn was taken away after refusing to leave and failing to give his details when asked by police.

More than a quarter of a million people have died from coronavirus this year despite unprecedented global lockdown measures aimed at curbing its spread.

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