Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Jeremy Corbyn’s brother denies coronavirus pandemic as he claims UK ‘taken by aliens’

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The brother of the former Labour leader told TalkRADIO he did not believe the coronavirus pandemic was real as he claimed there are no excess deaths in the world compared to the average number of deaths per year until 2020. Piers Corbyn, the elder brother of Jeremy Corbyn, said people’s rights and freedoms in the UK are being curtailled for no reason, giving the impression Britain has been taken over by “aliens”. 

He said: “Our freedom is being curtailed by being forced to wear a mask and we have a lockdown now which is limiting other freedoms.

“We’ve got a massive lockdown of the economy, the economy has been ruined at the cost of three million jobs.

“And the NHS waitlist has gone up to 10 millions.

“So our rights and freedom have been massively contained.

“I think what we’ve got now you see, is a slow-cooking of frogs.

“If you put a frog in hot water then the frog jumps straight out.

“But what we have now is a slow-cooking, a curtailment of freedoms and people are realising it.

“So radio programmes like yourselves have kind of acted like this was normal, but if you had been away for six months and had come back to England now, you’d think it had been taken over by aliens or something.”

Reminded of the fact that the coronavirus pandemic extended to the entire world and not just the UK, Mr Corbyn shockingly admitted: “We don’t have a pandemic.

“It’s completely untrue. What we have, if anything, is an occasional flu or cold…”

The radio host interrupted: “Piers, Piers, you’re an intelligent man, you’re an astrophysicist, you’re an intelligent man.

“You’re a bright guy and a nice one as well. What I’m confused about, what’s the pandemic then? You say it doesn’t exist?

“So there’s no pandemic? A lot of people died, we’ve had a 100,000 a day in America at the moment.”

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Mr Corbyn replied: “There’s no pandemic because there’s no extra deaths than what would have happened or has happened in normal years.

“So there’s no pandemic. And furthermore, this alleged coronavirus, or the symptoms of coronavirus, are not anything of a high consequence.”

Mr Corbyn went on to deny the ONS’s figure of 65,000 excess deaths in the UK this year, claiming it was part of  “a propaganda machine to justify a second lockdown and taking away more freedoms”.

He added he was not going to wear a mask “at all”, arguing the advice to do so is “complete madness”.

Source: Read Full Article

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