Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Jeremy Clarkson’s defence of Meghan Markle before Piers Morgan row: ‘I won’t judge her’

Jeremy Clarkson says social media 'can be really dangerous'

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have had a whirlwind couple of years since their extravagant wedding. Since then, Harry and Meghan decided to leave royal duties behind as they sought a more independent life. The row split opinion in the UK, with even The Grand Tour star Clarkson offering his view on the story. He wrote in a column for The Sun that he doesn’t judge Meghan for deciding that royal life wasn’t for her.

However, he delivered this message in typically sarcastic fashion.

Clarkson said: “Meghan Markle will have grown up imagining that princesses live in fairy-tale castles and spend all day riding around on golden unicorns, smiling kindly at muddy plebs.

“So it will have come as a bit of a surprise when she became a British royal and found, that on a wet Tuesday morning, she’d have to go to Carlisle on something called ‘a train’, to open the civic centre’s new disabled ramp.

“So, she’s obviously decided that if she can’t dine on peach and peacock and have a couple of mermaids in the gin-filled swimming pool, she won’t be opening any new toilet blocks ever again.

“I won’t judge her for that. People are allowed to resign from jobs they don’t like.”

However, Clarkson did quip that her husband Harry would have “nearly c*****d himself” over the decision.

He also took a dig at Prince Andrew, saying: “Resigning from the Royal Family? That’s like, you know, BIG. And not just because the next in line to the throne if my family has gone is… Prince Andrew.”

Clarkson concluded: “The tale of Harry and Meghan is an epic love story and I wish them both well, but I genuinely fear that it will not have a happy ending.”

The Royal Family feud did not die down, highlighted by the Sussexes’ stunning interview with Oprah Winfrey last month.

Claims made by the Sussexes about their royal struggles, family tensions and their son Archie have made headlines around the world, and brought the monarchy under scrutiny.

Meghan said she “didn’t want to be alive anymore” and alleged that the “institution” could not get her help.

Following the interview, a short statement issued on behalf of the Queen read saying: “The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan.

“The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately.

“Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much-loved family members.”

Clarkson was less supportive following this interview, branding Meghan a “silly little cable TV actress” as defended Piers Morgan.

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Piers quit Good Morning Britain after ITV demanded he apologise for comments he made about the Duchess.

Clarkson described Meghan as someone “much revered by the young and the stupid who believe that her brand of simpering victimhood will one day bring down the monarchy, but it won’t”.

He added: “Trust me on this one. Markle’s toast, and within five years, I suspect she’ll be posing for photographs, on her own outside the Taj Mahal or sitting on the back of a playboy’s yacht in the Med, and poor old Piers will realise that he lost his job over absolutely nothing at all.”

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