Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Is lockdown and Tier 5 the same thing? What does Tier 5 lockdown mean?

Jeremy Vine panellists clash over calls for national lockdown

Boris Johnson will address the nation at 8pm today (January 4) about stricter lockdown measures in light of rising coronavirus cases. Presently around three-quarters of England’s population are under Tier 4 measures, which require people to stay at home apart from in essential circumstances.

However the Government has signalled these measures could be tightened further, or possibly replaced with Tier 5 measures or another national lockdown.

A No 10 spokesman said: “The spread of the new variant of Covid-19 has led to rapidly escalating case numbers across the country.

“The Prime Minister is clear that further steps must now be taken to arrest this rise and to protect the NHS and save lives.”

As of January 4, the latest data shows a further 58,784 cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the UK, and there have been another 407 deaths within 28 days of a positive Covid test.

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Is lockdown and Tier 5 the same thing?

Currently England is awaiting news of the Prime Minister’s lockdown announcement, which is due at 8pm today.

However, several reports are indicating England will be plunged into new Tier 5 restrictions.

It is believed the introduction of Tier 5 measures will bring England under a third national lockdown, with restrictions likely to reflect those witnessed in March and November 2020.

What does Tier 5 lockdown mean?

It is not certain whether Tier 5 measures will be implemented in England, or what kind of restrictions Tier 5 could entail.

The PM has not ruled out another national lockdown or Tier 5 lockdown measures being put in place to curb the spread of the virus.

Mr Johnson said: “There are obviously a range of tougher measures that we would have to consider.”

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As was the case in the first national lockdown last year, Tier 5 measures could see the closure of schools across England.

The PM has been under increasing pressure to close schools while the rate of Covid infections has hit significant levels.

Some primary schools in areas such as London and Essex have already been given permission to close due to the high rates of infection in certain areas.

Teaching unions have been urging the Government to protect education staff by closing schools temporarily.

In a joint statement, the GMB, NAHT, NASUWT, NEU, Unison and Unite unions warned there is a “serious risk” of staff falling ill while the rate of infection is so high.

A statement from the unions said: “Bringing all pupils back into classrooms while the rate of infection is so high is exposing education sector workers to serious risk of ill-health and could fuel the pandemic.”

The introduction of Tier 5 measures could also see further restrictions on travel and meeting others.

Under the lockdown in March 2020, there were also stricter restrictions on exercising outdoors, which may be reintroduced.

Former health secretary Jeremy Hunt has called for immediate action to close schools, shut borders and ban household mixing.

He said: “In the face of exponential growth even waiting an extra day causes many avoidable deaths so these plans must now be urgently accelerated.”

Source: Read Full Article

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