Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Ireland and EU blamed for Brexit plan leak in plot to keep UK shackled over Irish border

Alleged Government plans emerged last night in the Irish Media, suggesting the Prime Minister was preparing to propose a “string of customs checks” within five to ten miles of the Irish border. Mr Johnson and Downing Street were quick to rebuke the claims but the damage was already done as tensions with Ireland were inflamed. Within minutes of the leak, Simon Coveney, Ireland’s deputy prime minister, blast: “Time the EU had a serious proposal from the UK Government if a Brexit deal is to be achievable in October.

“Northern Ireland and Ireland deserves better!”

Mr Pugh, a Brexit Party MEP for Yorkshire and Humber, told “The UK Government had flagged up that it was concerned about the leaking of documents so this was unhelpful and opportunistic.

“This behaviour by Irish or EU officials undermines trust and is likely to be counterproductive, making a no deal more likely.

“The British Government have suggested practical solutions to prevent a hard border in Ireland. Unfortunately the EU continues to weaponise the border in order to keep the UK in the customs union. This would be undemocratic and against the express wishes of those who voted in the Brexit referendum.

“The British Government has made concrete proposals based on the work of the Alternative Arrangements Commission which should be applauded as presenting workable, pragmatic solutions created by global experts in the customs and border fields.

“The reality is that the EU has no intention of rapidly agreeing a free trade agreement. A clean-break Brexit would present the opportunity to reset the dial and negotiate the future partnership based on mutual respect.”

This morning, Mr Johnson dismissed being involved in the plan, instead blaming Brussels for the leak.

He told the BBC: “I’ve seen some briefing already, I don’t know where it’s come from… possibly Brussels, which is not quite right.”

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In a separate interview, the Prime Minister said: “That’s not what we’re proposing at all.”

He added: “I’m with the second group because that’s just the reality. I think that what we’re going up to now is the critical moment of choice for us as friends and partners as to how we proceed.

“In the end a sovereign, united country must have a single customs territory. When the UK withdraws from the EU that must be the state of affairs.

“There are plenty of ways in which we can facilitate North-South trade. There are ways in which we can protect the unity of the market in the island of Ireland.”

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Mr Johnson will brief EU leaders, over the telephone, after his Conservative Party conference speech tomorrow.

The Government’s actual plans are expected to be presented to Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, at the same time.

Leo Varadkar, the Irish prime minister, welcomed his British counterpart’s intervention after details of the alleged leak plan emerged in the media.

He told politicians in the Irish parliament that Mr Johnson had “disowned” the apparent border strategy.

Mr Varadkar said during leaders’ questions: “I’m conscious when answering your question that I am talking about non-papers that I haven’t seen.

“I was aware of their existence, and it was public knowledge in the last week or two, that the UK provided non-papers to the EU task force on the basis of confidentiality and not to be shared with member states.

“I very much welcome Boris Johnson’s words today when he disowned the non-papers, had he not, in my view, it would be hard evidence of bad faith by the UK Government.”

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