Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

IPSO rules against’s report of business leader poll

The article reported that a poll, commissioned by a group that represents businesses in the maritime industry, found that most of its members “feel Britain would become stronger after Brexit”. The complainant said that the poll had found no such thing, and the publication had distorted its finding. said that the author was entitled to interpret the poll as he saw fit, and had relied on a press release from the business group who had conducted the poll. It said that the article was not a misleading report of the poll.

IPSO found that headline, sub-headline first line of the article had made categorical claims of fact about the findings of the poll which were not supported by the poll data. The publication had failed to take care in reporting the findings of the poll and had given a significantly inaccurate account of its conclusions, in breach of Clause 1.

Source: Read Full Article

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