Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Instagram cat Ikiru cheers up fans on lockdown with adorable pictures

The three-year-old exotic shorthair has more than 100,000 followers on Instagram – with fans nicknaming him the blep king. Attentive owners Rich and Emma Ashby said they “pretty much fell in love with him” the first time they saw him.

Rich, 45, and Emma, 41, decided to start the Instagram account two years ago after friends and family kept asking to see pictures of little Ikiru.

Now he is making people around the world smile when they are stuck indoors because of coronavirus restrictions.

Rich said: “It is great that he has resonated with so many people and just struck a chord.

“We are happy that he has been able to cheer people up in what has been a very difficult time.”

The couple noticed a spike in followers during February and March as measures to combat the virus got tougher.

“We found a lot of people in Italy who were stuck in lockdown during the quarantine were sharing pictures of him,” Rich said.

“He has become a bit of a cult figure and they were sharing pictures of him to cheer each other up.

“Then he became quite popular in Spain and other places. His biggest audience at the moment is the US, particularly in the big cities like New York and Los Angeles.”

The pair from Bradford, West Yorkshire got Ikiru from a breeder when he was just eight-weeks-old.

He is named after a 1952 film by Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa.

Rich said: “He just had a loveable personality which stood out for us.

“We went to visit him at the breeders and that was it really.”

Rich spends two hours a day updating the account and replying to messages from followers.

He said: “People think he’s always got his tongue out but basically whenever there’s a camera or phone near then he seems to know, and sticks his tongue out.

“He has this constant cheeky expression and that seems to really appeal to people. It’s the wide eyes as well.

“He’s definitely an unusual looking cat but we love him.”

Ikiru is a housecat who loves being around people and Rich admitted he has “free rein” of the whole house.

Rich said: “We spoil him and he has always been the centre of attention.

“I think he knows it now as well. He seems to enjoy having his picture taken.

“I know some cats can be quite aloof but he will stay with you all day and follow you everywhere, particularly in lockdown.

“Everywhere we go he’s just there. He’s very much a home body and he just likes being with us.”

Rich and Emma feed him a special high protein kibble which they get from the vets.

“He is a bit of a fussy eater,” Rich said. “All the conditions have to be perfect for him to eat, it’s very odd.

“If the bowl isn’t warm enough or something like that then he will refuse to eat.

“He’s a bit of a diva, he’s always been like that.”

Ikiru also has a Tik Tok account with more than 1,000 followers where fans can watch videos of him playing with his toys.

Emma and Rich, who both work in digital marketing, have also received fan art from followers all over the world.

Rich said: “People have sent us some really amazing paintings, drawings, and sketches.

“We’ve got a few artists that have painted him a couple of times. We like to encourage people to be creative.

“We love it and luckily we haven’t had any weird stuff – no cat stalkers yet.”

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