Friday, 31 Jan 2025

I’m ditching daughter’s wedding after she ‘turned into a bridezilla’

A woman has questioned her decision to boycott her “bridezilla” step-daughter’s wedding, asking: “am I the a***hole?”.

The unknown woman asked for help on social media, while accusing her step-daughter of having “always been daddy’s little princess”.

She explained that she was “expected to play the role of the loving stepmum” at her “lavish affair”, despite allegedly having never “been accepted into the family” by the youngster, who also supposedly “always treated her like an outsider”.

Following many “subtle jabs and snide comments”, the Reddit poster announced to her husband that she wouldn’t be going to her step-daughter’s wedding, but this has caused carnage in the family, with the husband’s side “all furious” at her, with claims she is “ruining her special day”.

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However, she asks the question: “Why should I pretend to be happy for her when she never showed me any respect?”

She also said her step-daughter treated her “like an afterthought”.

After people asked for more details on the step-daughter’s behaviour, the poster explained she had been “consistently excluded from family discussions and events”, and that “rare acknowledgements were often accompanied by dismissive comments or condescending tones”.

However, the biggest bombshell claim is that the step-daughter “compared me unfavourably to her biological mother, emphasising that my husband was happier when he was with her”.

Nevertheless, this wasn’t enough for many people engaging with the post.

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One commenter said: “I’m going out on a limb here to say you’re the a***hole”.

He expanded on his thoughts, saying it can’t be a “one-sided conflict” as the poster didn’t list anything that he would consider “constant disrespect” – rather that they have a “contentious relationship”.

He advised her that “a wedding is not the hill to die on here”, much to the agreement of another who said the “‘daddy’s little princess jab’ and the tone told me all I need to know”.

While the vast majority of the comments put the poster at fault, there were a few in agreement.

One said: “You’re not required to go anywhere you don’t want to, much less your step-daughter’s wedding. How is you not going ruining her special day anyway?”

Source: Read Full Article

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