Sunday, 6 Oct 2024

I urge all Londoners to stay at home this New Year's Eve – you'll save lives

2020 has been the most difficult year in living memory for most Londoners and for millions of people around the world.

Thousands have lost their lives to Covid-19 and thousands more have lost their livelihoods. Countless businesses have either gone bust or are on the brink. And we’ve all had our lives disrupted or put on hold.

The approval and rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines means that there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel as the clock counts down to the start of 2021. The approval of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in particular is truly fantastic news that could herald the beginning of the end of this pandemic. We can look forward with hope and increasing certainty that 2021 will be better than 2020.

However, the situation with the virus is extremely serious in London. I cannot overstate how bad things currently are across our city.

We’re facing the most dangerous moment yet in the pandemic and we cannot afford to be complacent for even a second.

There are more people in hospital in London suffering from Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic – with 83 deaths in London hospitals reported just yesterday. Our hospitals are increasingly overrun and our incredible NHS staff who have done so much to help us get through this difficult year are stretched to breaking point.

We all made huge sacrifices over the Christmas period. Many Londoners spent Christmas alone for the first time ever. We missed our friends, family and the things that normally make Christmas so special.

But I’m so proud of the way so many Londoners did the right thing and followed the rules to keep each other safe and ease the pressure on our NHS. The pandemic continues to bring out the very best of our characters.

People in our city know how to act together and make a collective sacrifice in order to protect others

Now I’m afraid we must make the same sacrifice again over New Year’s Eve.

London remains in Tier 4 which means we still cannot see people outside of our household or support bubbles and hospitality businesses remain closed. There can be no parties with friends and family this year at home or anywhere else.

We will need to find new ways to celebrate saying farewell to this terrible year and welcoming a better one.

It also means we are unable to hold London’s traditional public New Year’s Eve celebrations on the banks of the Thames. I must urge all Londoners to follow the rules and stay away from central London tonight – the Met Police will be patrolling across the city to enforce the law and ensure there are no illegal gatherings. By staying at home you will be saving lives.

However, I completely understand the wish to have a sense of togetherness as the clock strikes midnight – which is why we have created a spectacular live TV broadcast event showcasing the best of our city which you can watch on BBC One safely from home at midnight.

The show will reflect on the defining moments of 2020 and look forward to 2021 with hope.

I can reveal one surprise in advance: our broadcast show will include a tribute to the NHS and its heroic staff who have played such a huge role in all our lives this year.

Anyone who has a friend or family member who works in our health or care services will know just how hard this year has been, and how much pressure they are under now. They deserve our unending thanks.

I have no doubt that Londoners will do the right thing over New Year’s Eve as they have at every stage during this pandemic.

People in our city know how to act together and make a collective sacrifice in order to protect others.  And with some light finally at the end of tunnel, I have no doubt that we will be able to look back with pride in this new year and say that those collective sacrifices were worth it.

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