Monday, 23 Sep 2024

‘I thought lockdown was irreversible!’ Caller rages at Boris for Plan B restriction threat

Boris Johnson: LBC caller slams PM over possible lockdown

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Michael from Northleach called into LBC with Nick Ferrari and explained his frustration about winter coronavirus plans. Boris Johnson admitted that the UK had a plan B and that included more measures like mandatory face masks and they could not rule out another lockdown. The caller argued that the Prime Minister said they were hoping for steps away from the last lockdown would be irreversible.

The caller said: “Boris Johnson was saying this lockdown was irreversible.

“But now they are talking about locking everything down again.

“It is absolutely ridiculous I am absolutely fuming.”

Mr Ferrari clarified the Government have said they reserve the right to lockdown again.

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He also asked the caller how it would impact his business as he does private dinner parties.

The caller said: “It means I have got no work again, simple as that.

“I have taken loads of deposits from people, they are all going to want their money back.

“I will be sitting here with no work again, it is ridiculous.

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“We have all been double jabbed, what is the point of being vaccinated then.”

Mr Ferrari closed by admitting, at this time, it seems unlikely another lockdown will occur.

He said: “I want to assure you, the Government merely want to keep it again in their toolkit.

“There is no suggestion it is going to happen yet and there would have to be a parliamentary vote.

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“If this helps you in any way, Michael, there is growing opposition to the idea of it.

“I don’t want to hold out false hope but I do think it is a long way off but we have to say it is out there.”

Boris Johnson insisted the current advice to the public remains the same and the Government would continent to focus on having as many people as possible getting their vaccines.

He said the winter period will be difficult for the NHS and the Government is preparing for all possibilities going forward. 

Source: Read Full Article

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