Monday, 23 Sep 2024

‘I can’t believe it!’ Ex-Lord Sugar aide condemns antisemitism allegations in Labour party

Keir Starmer on anti-Semitism: 'I argued for automatic expulsion'

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Lord Alan Sugar’s said that it’s so uncharacteristic for the Labour party to be associated with accusations of discriminations against Jews as it’s always been their “natural home”.

In an interview with Times Radio the gobsmacked ex-television presenter, who served as Lord Sugar’s adviser in the British television series The Apprentice, is under no illusion that Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has started the process of revamping the party.

He said: “I really cannot commit to Labour at the minute, I just think they’re all a bit lightweight.

“What my family taught me was to loathe and despise bigotry, because there’s no room for it.

“There’s no room for racism or any of that sort of religious bigotry.

“I’m afraid it’s still going on this antisemitism is awful, but I think that Starmer is cleaning up.


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“And to be honest with you, I could not believe that the Labour Party would have deep seated anti semitic strand in it.

“I mean, I would have thought that the Labour Party is the natural of Jewish people!”

When asked if Sir Keir was “the man” to take the party forward, he responded that he undoubtedly fits the bill.

And then aimed a dig at “camera mad” Boris Johnson, claiming that the Prime Minister visits hospitals because he craves the media attention as it’s yet another “photo opportunity”.

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He can also see distinctly similar parallels between both Mr Johnson and Sir Keir and John F.Kennedy and Richard Nixon, who went head-to-head in the 1960 US presidential election.

Mr Kennedy saw off his rival but only because he “looked great” as he branded Mr Johnson a “blonde bombshell” while Sir Keir may be paying the price for not matching his aura, just like Nixon some 62 years ago.

Mr Hewer said: “I think Keir Starmer from what I can see, I’ve never met him [but] it seems to me like a very straightforward, decent smart man.

“Alright he is not a filmstar like the blonde bombshell. 


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“Unfortunately, it matters and I’m old enough, your’re far too young but I’m old enough to remember the early 60s election between Nixon and Kennedy.

“And it was the first real television election in the States. Kennedy looked amazing, amazing!

“He was dead tanned, even though it was black and white television and he just looked great.

“And Nixon hadn’t shaved, and Kennedy won the TV debates hands down but Nixon won the radio debates because they couldn’t see him.

“Okay, so here we have Boris.

“Every time you see a picture of Boris in a hospital, they are busy in hospitals, you can leave them alone to get on what they’re doing.

“Instead they are looking for yet another photo opportunity.

“The man is camera mad.”


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