Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Hungary to start reopening after inoculating quarter of its people

BUDAPEST (REUTERS) – Hospitals in Hungary are coping with a record wave of infections and there is light at the end of the tunnel in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic but the country cannot yet re-open, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday (March 19).

“There is a good chance (we) will have a free summer,” Orban told public radio, adding that the central European country of 10 million can start the first stage of re-opening once inoculations reach 2.5 million, up from 1.5 million now.

Orban said last week on radio the aim was to have a sufficient number of people receiving a Covid-19 vaccine, with documents proving immunity for both vaccinated people and those who have recovered from the infection.

He also flagged the possibility of attaching special rights to this document, allowing people to visit restaurants and hotels, which he said would also help the economy recover. Restaurants have been closed except for takeaway meals since November and there is a 1900 GMT night curfew in place.

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