Thursday, 27 Jun 2024

Huge wildfire rages near MoD Army training camp over 12 hectares as smoke rises

A huge wildfire reportedly broke out at a Hampshire army camp with 20 fire crews tackling 12 hectares alight. The incident occurred at the British Army Training Camp in Longmoor with Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service expecting the incident to “continue for some time”.

A MOD spokesperson said: “We are aware of a fire at Longmoor Range. The Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service are in attendance. The fire continues to burn but is being contained.”

The fire service said: “There are currently over 20 crews in attendance at the incident near Longmoor Camp. More than 12 hectares are alright, with the fire in the trees and scrubland.

“Four hose reel jets and four land rovers are in use to fight the fire. A relief strategy is currently being worked on for crews as the incident is expected to go on for some time.

“Surrey Fire and Rescue are also in attendance.”

Residents around the A325 area are being advised to keep windows shut and avoid the area as the battle to extinguish the huge inferno goes on.

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