Thursday, 13 Feb 2025

How Prince Harry STRUGGLED while dating – but still did UTMOST to protect girlfriends

Prince Harry opened up on how being a member of the Royal Family made his love life quite difficult. The Duke revealed how, during his dating days, even getting near a woman would spark “massive paranoia” in him as he knew it would attract a lot of attention on his possible date, royal biographer Duncan Larcombe wrote. In his book Prince Harry: The Inside Story, Mr Larcombe said the prince has always been “completely aware that royals are in a very privileged position”. 

However, being constantly under the spotlight caused Harry a massive amount of stress.

Reporting a conversation he had with Prince Harry, Mr Larcombe said: “He went on to admit feeling ‘massive paranoia’ about even talking to women, because of the attention.

“‘Even if I talk to a girl, that person is then suddenly my wife, and people go knocking on her door’, he said.”

These unwanted attentions hugely influenced his habits and life, Harry said. 

Mr Larcombe continued, citing the prince: “‘When people finish work in the City or wherever work is, if you want to have a bit of downtime, you might go to the pub with your mates.

“‘I do that less, because it’s not downtime for me.

“‘I don’t know who I’m going to bump into, I don’t know if someone’s going to try and grab a selfie. So there is very little private life.’”

As a consequence, Harry took a series of precautions whenever he found a person he wanted to get closer to, including his now-wife Meghan. 

Prince Harry said, according to Mr Larcombe: “‘If or when I do find a girlfriend, I will do my utmost to ensure that me and her can get to the point where we’re comfortable before the massive invasion that is inevitably going to happen into her privacy’, he said.” 

The Duke showed he was ready to confront equally the public and the press whenever this “invasion” would become too much.

Meghan and Harry are believed to have dated in secret for months before it was first reported in October 2016 they were seeing each other.

This new attention towards Meghan, a then-actress in the American TV show Suits, immediately sparked the reaction of Prince Harry, who a month later issued a rare statement where he voiced his “worries” for his girlfriend’s safety. 

In a messaged shared by Kensington Palace, Harry said: “But the past week has seen a line crossed.

“His girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment.

“Prince Harry is worried about Ms Markle’s safety and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her. 

“It is not right that a few months into a relationship with him that Ms Markle should be subjected to such a storm.

“He knows commentators will say this is ‘the price she has to pay’ and that ‘this is all part of the game’.

“He strongly disagrees. This is not a game – it is her life and his.”     

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