Saturday, 5 Oct 2024

He is ‘totally self-centred’ Fuming Dominic Grieve says Johnson’s exit is ‘inevitable’

Grieve: Almost anybody would be better than Boris

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Dominic Grieve claimed that Boris Johnson’s exit is “inevitable” as the British public now regard him as a liability and someone who is no longer fit for purpose to govern the country. And the Prime Minister’s decision to extensively reshuffle the Downing Street pack in a bid to show to his Tory MPs that he’s fiercely determined to turn the corner won’t boost any of his hopes of “clinging on”. That is the opinion of former Conservative Attorney General Dominic Grieve, who also blasted the Tory MPs for talking the talking about dismissing but lack the “courage” to go on and pull the trigger.

Mr Johnson employed two heavyweights in Downing Street yesterday in a bid to get his parliamentary career back on track as the pressure is mounting on his shoulders with 14 Tory MPs who have now submitted a no-confidence vote in him.

And Mr Grieve believes that the Prime Minister will eventually pay the price for his egocentric nature as he 

He said: “I think [his departure] is inevitable.

“He’s totally self-centred so as a consequence he is just clinging on, one only has to look firstly at the extent of his misdeeds and the public’s view of him to see that this can’t continue! 


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“I think he can appoint as many new people as he likes but ut I really don’t see how it’s going to make any difference.”

But despite his diminished credibility in Britons’ eyes, he could take advantage of the Tories’ dithering to remain in power, with Mr Grieve blasting members of the Conservative party for washing their dirty laundry in public rather than actually doing something about it privately as the country’s image is being brought into disrepute.

Mr Grieve said: “The problem, the one thing I suppose in his favour is Conservative Members of Parliament go around and speak to journalists, speak to each other privately, speak to ex-colleagues saying how dreadful it all is and how he’s got to go but they don’t have the courage to step forward and do something about it!”

“But that’s not a situation which is good for the country because it may look a bit like a Westminster pantomime but it’s having a pretty bad effect on us internationally.”

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And if more and more Tory MPs are handing in letters of no-confidence in Mr Johnson, he has also gone down in the esteem of his international partners who have lost all faith in him after hearing about the partygate allegations.

There was an element of frustration in Grieve’s voice as he called for a “strong” Government to replace the current one and a Prime Minister who commands the respect of his peers and the public when he speaks. 

He said: “He is not trusted by our international partners who are really engaged with him and we’re in the middle of an international crisis with Russia over Ukraine…

“So we’re not in a good place plus the cost of living crisis which is now coming down the track very quickly.


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“You need a strong Government and you need a Prime Minister who can be trusted.

“[Someone] who can be trusted when he stands up in the House of Commons and says something!”

And Mr Grieve then aimed a parting shot at the Prime Minister after an overwhelming majority of seven out of 10 Deltapoll voters viewed him as a liar in a recent survey.

He said: “This is somebody who can’t be trusted because he’s been exposed as being a serial liar!’

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