Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Hartley-Brewer grills Leadsom on late support for Johnson- ‘You’re not that big a fan!’

Last week saw Andrea Leadsom, Esther McVey and Mark Harper voted out, or drop out, of the Tory leadership race. TalkRadio’s Julia Hartley-Brewer sternly questioned whether Mrs Leadsom was only backing Boris Johnson out of necessity rather than enthusiasm. She questioned whether Mrs Leadsom was actually a fan of Mr Johnson or simply wanted to win favour with the suspected next Prime Minister.

The radio host said: “In terms of your endorsement for Boris Johnson it has been quite a few days since you were knocked out of the contest last week.

“Why has it taken you so long to endorse Boris Johnson?

“Does this suggest that perhaps you are not that big a fan?

“And it’s a well he is going to be the leader anyway, I may as well throw my lot in with him.

“Rather than a full-on endorsement, If it is not going to be, Andrea Leadsom, then he is the next best person for the job.

“It is not the most forceful endorsement is it.”

The former Tory leadership candidate attempted to defend her support of Mr Johnson and emphasised her loyalty.

She said: ‘Well, I think it is actually.

“I have demonstrated over the last three years I am an extremely loyal person.

“I have also taken great steps to demonstrate competency in the job.

“So what I’ve been doing over the last few days is speaking with each of the candidates, understanding their policy priorities and how they align with my own.

“One of the areas that I’m really excited about is I have a passion for new families, that Boris shares.

“His enthusiasm for that was very clear when I was talking to him last night.”

“I just think our political views are carefully aligned.”

Source: Read Full Article

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