Sunday, 30 Jun 2024

Harry and Meghan could rake in ‘£8m overnight’ if they embrace popular venture

Sussexes’ Spotify deal ends after one series of Meghan’s podcast

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could utilise their worldwide fame and grab up more than £8million ($10million) overnight, an expert has claimed.

And the expert added that this could compensate for the collapse of their £20million Spotify deal.

Earlier this summer it was reported Harry was “panicking” over money and future in the US with his wife.

Andras Kristof from Galaxis claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex could create non-fungible tokens (NFTs) of both themselves individually and as Brand Sussex to “potentially generate millions”.

NFTs are unique digital identifiers that are recorded on a blockchain. Ownership is recorded and can be sold – much like a physical artwork and sports trading card.

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Kristof said that if Harry and Meghan do all things right, “the world could be their oyster.”

He claimed: “Anyone with a community or following could create their own digital membership cards (NFTs), and provide value to their community, potentially generating millions in the process

“It all depends on the size of their fame, fanbase, followers, buyer interest, the tangible value they offer, marketing and other external factors.”

The expert believes that the Sussexes would be a “massive brand if they created NFTs of themselves individually or as a couple.”

“Their brand could earn them £8.2million ($10million) overnight in my opinion,” he added.

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Galaxis – a platform which allows anyone to create NFTs of themselves and has generated more than 180,000 NFTs, including for stars like Mike Tyson, Lamelo Ball, and Val Kilmer, since 2021 – said that creating the NFTs could be “very easy” for anyone, even the royal couple.

The expert added the time it would take to earn the cash would be reliant on how “complex the strategy and planning is.”

How long it would take to earn the cash would vary “depending on how complex the strategy and planning is”, he said.

Rare NFTs can get cashed in by speculators quite quickly for big sums, according to Kristof.

He explained: “Like with any collectables, you get a lot of speculative investors hoping they can profit from getting in early.

“I think that would be even more the case with Harry and Meghan.

“There are constant rumours about them and owning a brand Sussex NFT could potentially be worth a fortune in a few years – especially if they split up or if they reentered the Royal Family.

“That is not to say that this will happen, but speculative investors will be hedging their bets on something changing in the future which would make their NFT no longer available.

“This is why I believe they’d be snapped up the second they went on the market.”

Meanwhile, a new study showed the vast majority of NFTs created are now worthless.

The study polled 73,000 NFT collections, and found that the once multi-billion-dollar market has crashed as 95 percent of the digital collectibles are worthless.

It also claimed that over 79 percent of NFT collections remain unsold, meaning that demand is outstripping supply.

But it suggested NFTs could get revived in the future and have some real-world use – including for gaming, real estate and digital identity.

Source: Read Full Article

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