Saturday, 29 Jun 2024

‘Greatest moment on air’ Brexiteer mocks Channel 4 as broadcaster set to be privatised

Channel 4 reveals exit poll result in 2019 election

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The GB News presenter reshared a Channel 4 News clip of presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy hosting coverage of the 2019 general election between Boris Johnson and Sir Keir Starmer. The exit poll revealed the Conservative Party were set for a 368-seat win. Darren Grimes described it as the “greatest on air”.

Mr Guru-Murthy said: “Polling stations around the country are closing and we will any second be able to reveal the results of the exit poll which is based on asking people at those polling stations what they’ve done and hoping that they’ve told the pollsters the truth.

“It will give us a real steer of what is expected to happen tonight.

“It’s 10pm, and the voting has ended in this sudden Christmas general election. Has Boris Johnson pulled it off and secured a majority?”

As the audience booed the possibility, the presenter revealed Mr Johnson was predicted to receive a majority.

Mr Guru-Murthy continued: “That’s what the exit poll is saying, Boris Johnson has gambled and won.

“He has purged his party and still come out on top with a majority to force through his Brexit.”

More to follow…

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