Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Grant Shapps clashes with Sky News host over Boris’ roadmap ‘You’re overcomplicating it!’

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Transport Secretary Grant Shapps hit back at Sky News host Gillian Joseph who claimed that Boris Johnson’s plans to lift lockdown measures was confusing. He reiterated that the Government’s message on the use of public transport was “not unclear at all”. Mr Shapps told Joseph that she was “overcomplicating” the issues, before laying out the measures.

This comes after Boris Johnson set out a roadmap to return to “normality” by Christmas.

During a press conference on Friday, the Prime Minister set out a roadmap for easing lockdown by the end of the year but also admitted COVID-19 could be “more virulent” in the winter.

The Sky News host said: “This is a direct quote from the Prime Minister, ‘From today we are clear that anybody may use public transport, while of course, encouraging other people to consider alternative means of transport where they are available’.

“What does that mean?”

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Mr Shapps responded: “Exactly what it says. I don’t think it’s unclear at all.

“Use public transport, of course you must wear a face covering, that’s the law.

“I would encourage people to use walking and cycling first and then avoid the rush hours if you can, but you can now return to public transport.

“I think it’s a pretty straightforward message.”

Joseph hit back: “Well, it seems to be saying, use public transport but don’t use public transport.”

The Transport Secretary said: “I hope you’ll forgive me for saying but I think you’re overcomplicating it a little bit here.

“It’s really not that complicated. We are saying everybody can now use public transport, not just key workers.”

He added: “We are saying, be sensible, avoid rush hours, wear a face covering.

“Until we have been saying to avoid public transport unless you absolutely have no other alternative. But now, our public transport system is actually underused.”


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Viewers were divided in their response to the interview, with some complaining that Mr Shapps was “in denial” and issued an “unhelpful defensive reply”.

Others said the rules “seemed clear to everyone except the interviewer”.

One user said: “Not sure how clearer you can make it. Perhaps common sense could be practised by Sky News.”

Another added: “Why does this TV presenter pretend she does not understand? The media seem to be doing everything in their power to frighten and confuse people.”

Source: Read Full Article

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