Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024

Grandmother still fears £50,000 fire safety bill despite new cladding support

Leaseholders caught up in the cladding scandal still face thousands of pounds of bills despite an announcement yesterday that developers would finally have to pay for post-Grenfell repairs. 

Housing Secretary Michael Gove has axed forced loans for flat owners in unsafe mid-rise buildings in a huge Tory U-turn. 

The move has been welcomed by many as the first ray of hope in a scandal that has seen millions of people stuck in ‘death trap’ homes facing bills of £100,000 for works.

But cladding victims say while yesterday’s announcement is a step in the right direction, it does not go far enough. 

The Government’s new proposals do not include plans to protect people needing non-cladding work, such as flammable insulation, missing fire breaks and wooden balconies.

Grandmother-of-two Donna Williams, 55, fears she could still face an astronomical bill that will bankrupt her.

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Donna, from Reading, told Metro.co.uk: ‘We have got Government funding to remove the cladding but not anything for other remedial works like the interior, which isn’t fire safe, the wooden balconies or the car park roof, which we are going to be charged for. 

‘So although the announcement is good it’s not covering all of those issues which are running into thousands, and I personally can’t pay. 

‘We haven’t got a figure and we don’t know what to expect, but people are getting bills of £50k upwards in different blocks.

‘I can’t pay £50k. I can’t even pay £10k.

‘[Not knowing] is horrible. It’s like having a wrecking ball in front of you and waiting for it to swing and knock you off your feet.’

Donna, who has PTSD, said the stress of the crisis has made her feel suicidal and she has sought counselling for help.

The former air hostess was desperately hoping to re-mortage her property for some extra cash after she was forced to quit her job due to health complications.

But the defects mean her mortgage has now actually increased by £500 a month and her flat is effectively worthless until remediation is complete.

Repairs aren’t expected to get started until June and in the meantime, Donna faces spiralling costs to pay for interim safety measures – none of which are covered by Government funding.

She already had to pay £800 in October for her building insurance, which went up by £110,000 due to the fire safety defects.

The building has a waking watch officer who patrols it 24/7 – costing leaseholders £25,000 + VAT on a three-monthly basis.

Donna’s service charges have doubled in a year, and on Christmas Eve she was hit with a bill of £2,400 to be paid for by early January.

Donna, a self-employed dog walker, says she can no longer afford to pay these bills, let alone the remediation.

She has already taken a loan out to stay afloat and says the only reason she is not homeless is because her mother has been using her pension to ‘keep a roof over her head’.

‘I live alone, I am ill with a chronic illness and I don’t get any Government benefit,’ said Donna, who has Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalga.

‘Our service charge is uplifting all the time and I can’t pay.

‘I’ve got no savings, I live on the breadline. I don’t do anything or go anywhere and I buy my clothes from charity shops.

‘Hearing people on the radio yesterday I was just in tears knowing how they feel because it’s terrifying.

‘You’re trapped in a flat that you can’t sell, you can’t re-mortage and you can’t take equity and people’s lives are at risk.

‘It’s a massive weight on your head and a lot more needs to be looked into, the developers who built the block should pay for the interior issues, not us.’

In his announcement yesterday, Michael Gove said the Government will take ‘every step necessary’ to ensure the building industry fixes the scandal of unsafe homes exposed by the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

Previously Government funding was only available to remove flammable cladding on tower block’s over 18 metres.

But Mr Gove told the House of Commons that moving forward, ‘no leaseholder living in a building above 11m, will ever face any costs for fixing dangerous cladding’.

‘They are blameless and it is morally wrong that they should be asked to pay for the price,’ he said.

The Housing Secretary said businesses who manufactured combustible cladding and insulation, many of whom have made vast profits, ‘must pay now’.

Gove said he is prepared to ‘use legal means and ultimately, if necessary, the tax system’ to ensure developers live up to their responsibilities.

But leaseholders say many questions remain – including what will happen in cases where the developer no longer exists.

End Our Cladding Scandal (EOCS) campaigner Jenni Garratt says this is the case for the majority of buildings in Sheffield where she lives.

She told Metro.co.uk: ‘I think the Government don’t realise how much of a problem that is because the vast majority of leaseholders that I’m aware of have developers that are no longer in existence.

‘Obviously you hear about the Barratts and the Bellways and Taylor Wimpeys because they’re big names, but for most of the individual people caught in this saga, [their developers] are in shell companies in the Cayman Islands and that sort of thing, so you can’t actually trace them.’

Jenni, 26, said she was hopeful about yesterday’s announcement and it should be acknowledged as a ‘positive step in the right direction’ after years of fighting for more funding.

But she agreed with others that it ‘just doesn’t go far enough to solve the whole problem’.

She has already forked out over £6,000 in bills associated with the fire safety problems and faces another bill of around £8,000 just to replace her timber balcony.

The sales manager is also paying £80-a-month for parking after the free car park within her development had to be closed last year due to the discovery of flammable insulation.

The building she lives in also has compartmentation problems and an unsafe ventilation system – an issue she described as ‘very scary’ in light of the devastating blaze at a New York apartment block that killed 19 people on Sunday.

Jenni said: ‘I am very grateful and I think it’s important to acknowledge that the fifty grand bill that was on the table for me when cladding was still hanging over my head has gone and I’m very appreciative of that.

‘But I can’t afford eight, nine or 10 thousand pounds to fix the other things as well.

‘I think the Government don’t quite understand or realise that people caught up in this have already had their savings drained by the interim measures and paying for insurance hikes and waking watch costs, so there’s just no money left when the big bills come through.

‘We are being treated as if we are just blank cheques.’

What did the Government announce?

Michael Gove said that developers must agree to a £4 billion plan to fix dangerous cladding on buildings over 11m by early March, or risk new laws forcing them to act.

Until now, the Government has only promised to pay to remove cladding in buildings over 18m, with a £50-a-month loan scheme proposed for those in buildings lower than this.

But with the average cladding bill working out at around £40,000, and many people facing bills in excess of £100,000, leaseholders across the country faced taking on a life-time of debt for a problem they did not create.

Mr Gove has vowed to take ‘all steps necessary’ to make developers pay including:

  • Restricting access to government funding and future procurements
  • Using planning powers or changing the tax system
  • Or, if the industry fails to take responsibility, imposing “a solution in law”.

The time limit for leaseholders to sue builders over defective flats will also be extended from six to 30 years.

While this may relieve some financial pressure facing flat owners, it does not cover all of it.

Grenfell fire, which killed 72 people in 2017, exposed a crisis in building safety standards. Flammable cladding was discovered in hundreds of blocks of flats across the UK, alongside a host of other fire safety defects currently not covered by Government funding.

Under Michael Gove’s plan, the Government is attempting to secure up to £4bn from developers towards the costs of fixing cladding issues.

Some campaigners have called for a compensation scheme to help those who have already paid or are currently paying eye-watering sums to fix fire safety issues, but this is not thought to be on the cards.

Mr Gove has acknowledged this is an issue but is said to be focused on moving forward.

The housing department said the industry had been ‘given two months to agree to a financial contributions scheme to fund the new plan, otherwise, if necessary, the Government will impose a solution in law’.

We would like to thank @MichaelGove for a constructive meeting today.

This is our statement following his speech in the House of Commons #EndOurCladdingScandal pic.twitter.com/qqpjAMJf6Q

But they have not given a set deadline for when a plan or law will actually be finalised, or take effect.

Campaigners are now an anxiously awaiting to see what legal protection for leaseholders will be written into the Building Safety Bill when it comes back to Parliament.

They say it makes no sense to make a building ‘half-safe’ and funding should be made available to fix dangerous non-cladding issues which are widespread across the country.

Jenni said: ‘The plan is definitely a step in the right direction and credit where credit’s due, we haven’t felt as positive for quite a while. But obviously that’s caveated with the fact that the devil could be in the detail. We haven’t seen how this is going to play out in legislation yet.

‘From a campaign perspective what we are focusing on now is what the amendments to the Building Safety Bill will be. We need to know if it will be full protection, or if it will be easy for developers to get around it with loopholes.

‘There’s been promises before and they’ve not come into fruition in the legal side of things. There’s certainly a long way to go.

‘I found out that we had unsafe cladding in January 2020 and I thought two years later that we’d be at least in a position where we had scaffolding on the building.

‘I’m hopeful that by the end of this year, we’ll at least have made a lot of progress but I don’t in any way think that I’ll be out of this by the end of this year, it could be three or four years in this situation.’

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