Monday, 23 Sep 2024

‘Give it a rest!’ Blackford sparks furious backlash at ‘toe-curling’ Russia-Brexit claim

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The Intelligence and Security Committee’s Russia report has prompted concern over the foreign state’s activity in the UK. The report said the Government had not seen or sought evidence of successful interference in UK democratic processes. The leader of the SNP in Westminster, Ian Blackford, called for an investigation into possible influence in the 2016 Brexit referendum, sparking an onslaught of anger online.

Mr Blackford told talkRADIO: “I think we’ve been asleep at the wheel.

“In many respects, there is no evidence of Russian interference in the Brexit referendum.

“But the point is, the reason there is no evidence is because we haven’t asked the questions.

“Government simply hasn’t taken this seriously enough.”

He continued: “In many respects, we’ve focused on the democratic aspects, the impact on our democracy that has taken place over the course of the last few years.

“But in some respects, I think in the public discourse of this, we’ve ignored the wider issues about the impact of Russia, not just in our democracy, but right across our public lives.”

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has rubbished suggestions the Government hadn’t ordered an investigation.

He claimed the British people were “more intelligent” than to fall for social media disinformation.

Twittter user Julie Smith responded to Mr Blackford’s comments: “Anything to try to muddy the waters around Brexit. Many of us have been trying to leave for decades, nothing to do with any interference from outside powers.”

Howard Jones agreed: “Blackford and others needs to produce the evidence to back up their assertions, otherwise shut up! Innuendo and suggestion is not evidence of Russian interference successful or otherwise.”

One Twitter user added: “Deflection tactics by Blackford to avert scrutiny from the SNP’s handling of their NHS and care home COVID scandal.”

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James Solari wrote: “17.4 million UK residents wanted to leave and I bet not a one was influenced by Russia, but by the way the EU fleeced us and started turning into a dictatorship.”

Paul said: “Same old tune from Blackford, waste of time interviewing the man.”

Phil joked: “Blackford should concentrate on understanding why Russian influence didn’t help them win in 2014!”

Simon Read tweeted: “Of all the politicians I can think of few who are more toe curling than Blackford! A man who is only concerned with his own narrow self interest and personal agenda.”

Jeanette Stone simply said: “Give it a rest!”

Source: Read Full Article

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