Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024

George Galloway savages Emily Thornberry for preferring the EU to England

Emily Thornberry was the first Labour MP to officially commit to running for the party’s leadership following their crushing December general election defeat. RT’s George Galloway was assessing the prospects of all the contenders to be Labour’s next leader when he unleashed a scathing attack on Ms Thornberry. He slammed the Shadow Foreign Secretary for her past comments about the England flag.  

Mr Galloway said: “Emily Thornberry, you know that mad woman that turned up at the Labour Party conference in a blue dress with gold stars around her neck aping the European flag.

“The woman who took a picture of an England flag in a by-election a couple of years ago and had to resign from the Labour frontbencher.

“So sneeringly condescending was her comment and implication inference about the England flag.

“She thinks an England flag is something to be ashamed of and a European Union flag is something to wear around your neck and torso.

“You can choose Emily Thornberry if you like though she is a multimillionaire.”

Mr Galloway also assessed the prospect of Jess Phillips becoming Labour’s first female leader. 

He said: “They could pick Jess Phillips, Jacob Rees-Mogg’s buddy.

“They could pick Jess Phillips who has spent the last four and a half years trying to politically speaking murder the leader of her own party.

“Who she now blames as the man responsible for losing the election.

“Well anybody would lose an election with hundreds of MPs stabbing them in the back.

“One of them, Jess Phillips stabbing him openly in the front as she herself said she would.”

Yesterday BBC News host Martha Kearney exposed a massive split in the Labour Party during an interview with a Labour MP on Radio 4.

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Labour MP Lucy Powell said: “I think retreating into a factional based analysis would probably be the worst possible thing we can do at this junction.

“Actually I have found that there is a real appetite amongst Labour members from all different traditions to now actually come together and use this moment of coming together.”

Ms Kearney then pointed out: “Leadership contests aren’t normally the best atmosphere for people to come together and they end up having to take sides don’t they?”

The Labour MP responded: “Yeah unfortunately so and actually also leadership elections often become about superficial issues like peoples’ backgrounds and peoples’ kitchens and spouses and so.

“Rather than necessarily some of these deep challenges.”

Source: Read Full Article

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