Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Gardai investigating discovery of young man's body in Cork

Gardai are investigating the discovery of a young man’s body outside a property in Cork.

The man, who is understood to be aged in his late 20s, was discovered outside a property in Grenagh, Co Cork in the early hours of this morning.

He received emergency medical attention at the scene but tragically was pronounced dead a short time later.

Gardaí are keeping an open mind about the death until all forensic and medical tests are concluded.

However, the initial indications are that the death is not suspicious and may have been as the result of a tragic accident such as a fall or collapse.

Cork witnessed dense freezing fog in certain areas last night with some roads and paths being left quite quite slippery.

Conditions overnight were also exceptionally cold.

Gardaí have requested the assistance of the State Pathologist’s Office.

A full post mortem examination will now be conducted at Cork University Hospital (CUH).

Gardaí said that the nature of their inquiry will be determined by the results of the post mortem examination.

A file will be prepared for the Cork Coroner’s Office.

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